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One eights of all people are tempted to encourage illusions...

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Mo) ?0(§2/L2) Allowing Relating to Reality

When the unfatherly attitude as that of a ZG-zeitgeist forerunner whereby Fa-figures make everyone equal and they themselves more equal, then the unmotherly attitude is that of an ?0-illusion generator by which Mo-figures make everything as expressions of life equal, and of course their own, more equal. And that is the Mo-figures trick to gain their mass-attractivity in terms of upholding and securing their tradition peacefully in their collective, whether it is sustainably lifefulfilling for themselves and those concerned or not. And this has lead to the western tradition of Bm-communication habits and organizational forms which succumb those concerned under the Boundary condition multiplied, recently in demo-crazy ways based on the prevailing Option I philosophy of long gone Greeks who had no clues of the innate laws of nature, let alone of individual live, updated among others by Darwin, who had no clue of the importance and meaning of the genetic code. No wonder madmen like Marx could provide the basis for evil men like Lenin and Stalin, which triggered the monstrous Nazi movement. The events in Japan 2011 show that humanity under Option I is still unable to learn the lessons from history and that therefore our mothering of life is dangerous to the survival of humanity. By the way, the first nuclear disaster happened 1969 in motherly Switzerland, fortunately deep in a mountain cavern where the Swiss considered making their own atom bombs. And so the radioactivity could be contained unlike 2011 in Japan. Similarly the Titanic human catastrophe of 1912, which was foreshadowing the world wars, was not used to prevent having it to learn even a harder way!

The motherly temptation begins with her f-feeling degrading to m-tension which is of 3D-3rd daughter nature. That makes her %6-project her mass-attractive equalness of non-substantial intellectual wordy archetypes. After all, that is what is expected of a mother, treating all children as equal in their expressions, in order to keep the family together! So in fact in this Option I tradition, nothing expressed, let alone what you may consider important, matters! We all know what happens if a child insists that it is more important than the others; mother gets A-angry in her 2S-2nd son state of mind, in her p-perception of the culprit, and lets you know her -4 unrest! In her G-guilt about her unfavorable t-thinking to have failed on her outstanding child, then mother-figures try to set up a pacifying 2D-%1-political correctness such as Switzerland with more public votes than the rest of the world together. Having fallen thus into this Mo-emotional trap, Mo-figures try to cover up their failures with ?0-illusionary fig leaves in trying to prevent being caught nakedly, vulnerable in view of the unavoidable consequences say if a moth mistakes a candle for the sun; ui-gui!


That is where the motherly type either degenerate, as Switzerland did 1798 in view of the ZG headed by Napoleon, or come in their X-essence gracefully re-newed, as the provider of possibilities within the fathery realm, like Switzerland's business man Henry Dunant in founding the Red Cross after the murderous battle of Solferino in 1859. Mo-figures are potential saviors of people from being side-tracked by ?0-illusions from the §2-purpose of their innate life say by a "motherly-just" philosophy pretending to give "life as such" a meaning so individuals can be sacrificed for the corresponding philosophically contructed generalizations. As in the case of the moth, lacking motherly emotional care within the limits outlined by the father-types, people are then inhibited from L2-timely exchange of project-orientated competence, which above all, Mo-figures should be capable of. Under Option I, snuggling with an elephant seal seems easier than understanding ourselves; do the remaining animals (Japanese still kill dolphins and wales in gruesome ways; they are now affected not only by their industrial, but also by their radioactive waste as a result of their 1S Option I thinking catastrophe) have to teach us the lesson that leads to Option II as some African Creation myths described it with an impatient Gorilla in view of the first men's inexperience with the first woman...



So beware if emotional mothers rather than §2/L2-helping others to help themselves, are tempted to support all sorts of sinners as being equal with their "well-meaning", seemingly pacifying ?0-illusions, as in the "Emperors' New Cloth":

Our culture has indeed become a man-made substitution for real life! Rather Mother-types should fulfill the task of providing a repertoire in which it is possible for those under her care to §2-express their purpose of life. And that beyond and away from ?0-other-, towards L2-self-dermindness. Summing up, the limiting Fa-Mo-tradition is in itself resolved by the evil concept of "freedom" in order to enable to revolt against an unfatherly ZG-zeitgeist such as it happened once more 2011 in North-Africa. The unmotherly ?0-illusions of the freedom of self-expression tempts people into the equalizing Bm-rat race towards peace in the graveyard from Option I social Darwinism. Instead the hoax of "freedom" needs to be exposed by Mo-figures to become real, lifefulfilling human beings by pointing to the fact of real life, that we do not have freedom from substantiality, but the obligation to consciously transform our potential for emotions as described here personally in one's emotional potential based on who we are, e.g. not by our sex or changing family role. Similarly the radioactive rods in a nuclear power station have energy, not freedom to give away. It is the technicians responsibility to control and direct that energy. And that requires people who do likewise with their emotions or their thinking catastrophes are evoking human catastrophes such as those 1912 on the Titanic, 1986 in the Challenger Disaster, 2006 in Chernobyl, 2011 in Japan, not to mention the gruesome wars instigate mainly in the so-called Christian Occident; the western world misled into Option I...

[YOUR Path from Option I to Option II]
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