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Balancing the world in which we live, but not of which we are...

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You are ready to perform the basic functions...


Each Human System depends on
Performing its Nine Basic Functions


Of course that means more than the functions by which
the spirit of the time intends to instrumentalize you,
say on the job and in discussions...


Here we are getting specific about the underlying belief behind Option II: There is a knowledge work by which the path can be found, on which the truth can be dealt with in such a way, that it leads to life- with the corresponding task-fulfillment. It focuses on dealing with life-time in a personally relevant way in view of the nine basic functions of every human system dealing with the basic questions of "Where from?" (F1-3), "Where to?" (F4-6), and "What for?" (F7-9). To get relevant answers and implementing them require an appropriate knowledge work. Similarly, a fulfilled life has the three phases, 1) Youth, 2) Business- and Family Life, and 3) Ageing:

In their youth, like all living creatures, humans need to learn to deal with their hardware
  • F1) Material, and later innovative inputs necessary and/or desirable
  • F2) Digesting and later on understanding the world to handle ones living space, and
  • F3) Producing a proper, later on a sufficiently tangible output.

Grown-up business- and family-life entails to manage, based on software

  • F4) Learning and organizing the implementation of the required know-how on the job, and share it with appropriate communication...

  • F5) Based on facts and ideals, taking initiatives beyond social conditioning as a life entrepreneur, with the ability to command self and others

  • F6) Appropriately, in socially compatible ways, dealing with the unavoidable draw backs and disappointments, in order to control one's social life towards perfection


Pensioned from job and family, dealing with old age, requires "human-ware"

  • F7) Learning that the search for the higher influence of God is life, and insights
    into it, the preparation for fulfilling life, ultimately, prepares for death. That leads people to attempt sharing their inner life and thus influencing other to learn something from what one has understood to be reasonable and relevant
    answers to the basic questions of life, "Where from?" (F1-3), "Where to?" (F4-6), and "What for?" (F7-9. That desire, its implementation, and the collective cultivation allows humans to transcend their animal life. It leads to trying to influence and learn from each other, at best, so that not everybody has to learn it the hard way and reinvent the wheel again, and thus never experiences synergy and love...

  • F8) Having ripened to the state of having a glimpse what one's live is about, then one can invest it meaningfully to cope with necessities, and in balance interests, even sacrifice one's own life to maintain the future possibility for  really higher causes such as the lifefulfillment of as many as possible. Thus awakened people can become "guardian angels"...

  • F9) Ultimately the answer for "Where shall we go?", comes from God, so the more mature we get, the more we have to learn to ask him that question and open up for his answer, in they way he expresses it to us, or indirectly, through other people - prophets; not falling for false ones! Similarly, matured physics with and after Isaac Newton performed experiments in the proper way to ask questions to nature (God Creation) about its where about. Then physicists have learned to express the answers appropriately, usually with appropriate mathematics about the data obtained from relevant measurements. The results are the verified immutable laws of nature. Also proper physics verifies the range of validity of their laws similarly based on say statistics applied to the data and possible measurement errors, and/or uncertainties using the best of knowledge consciously; without hidden agendas.

MyPath is a one of many proofs that happened in workshops with hundreds of people for what this is about, as well as what most people have experienced also. The difficulty is most people have never learnt an adequate way to express their insights to themselves. Remember, to do that in physics, you require mathematics, to do in real life, ordinary language is obviously not sufficient. And that stands, the humanities and its scribes frozen in alienation; the test for qualifying with your integrity...


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