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Words are inadequate when it comes to understanding...

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Resorting to Wordy Arguments

Seeking for the truth in words when
the path is lost leads away
from life...


The pseudo-sciences of the so-called humanities impose their categories on everything up to God, not caring for the consequences of their category errors. The aim is to go deep to know everything about nothing on a level where there is no structure so one can impose one et will. Statistically validating claims in the Bm-cult of opinions is what the human sciences use to evoke an aura of being scientific. Their scribes try to simply impress each other with wordy prejudice using rhetoric and other more or less arty-farty tricks to outsmart and convince the evoked spirit of the time. In German they call it "Geisteswissenschaften", e.g. spirit science. With it, they compete for life-limiting Bm-mass-attractivity. So Function 9 is the last human resource to overcome such thinking catastrophes before they mutate to human catastrophes in people's mind up to the know mass-hysteria, to wars, genocide, atomic holocaust, and environmental disasters. As to the Bible, God loves the world so much that he has sent his Son to save those who believe in him...


In civilized countries higher animals are increasingly treated as sentient and are therefore given rights beyond those of a property for anything goes by the owner. But at the same time human judgment has largely been outsourced more and more to the Bm-spirit of the time, leaving the mass of people's mind as empty containers, mere battle grounds for marketing up to the infotainment of politics.


Not so in the Bible in 1 Timothy 2: "1I urge, then, first of all, that requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving be made for everyone - 2for kings and all those in authority, that we may live peaceful and quiet lives in all godliness and holiness. 3This is good, and pleases God our Savior, 4who wants all men to be saved and to come to a knowledge of the truth. 5For there is one God and one mediator between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, 6who gave himself as a ransom for all men—the testimony given in its proper time."



In the Swiss canton of Glarus, the most sophisticated form of democracy has worked since 1387. However, there the last so-called witch in Europe, Anna Göldi in fact a scapegoat of her influential master, Tschudi about whose affairs she knew, was beheaded 1782 to cover up his actual sin with spreading incredible lies about Anna, the family's maid. In other words, even the best democratic system is not sufficient in itself! It requires
1) mutually understood and under-standing participants. In fact that is 
how those in charge of the government in Glarus address the citizens as "dear highly understood countrymen" as those who are the sovereign there. And 2) the proper procedures for a functioning democracy must limit it to consulting each other about what finds a majority to be by its nature be reasonably to be increased or decreased.

And that is precisely how the direct democratic assembly which is held in Glarus every year in the open for all citizens, defines itself. More cannot, and should not be argued about in personally neutral terms. But the humanities do not accept that a go carelessly about category errors to make them, not covering them up, politically correct! Beyond that, real life and its fulfillment with all that it entails, is neither an issue to be dealt with exclusively by the laws of physics or any other organized sciences. Nor is personal understanding, belief, or love, worth being Bm-reduced to words. Also rhetoric and word magic cannot have a major part in it! That is why in Glarus, everyone has a right to stand up to make a request at its yearly assembly, in terms of pro or contra an issue, having it deferred dropped, and that with the obligation to give reproducible reasons. Mere arguing, applause and other sidetracking attempts up to filibustering are discouraged and basically forbidden. People grow up in that tradition from their youth on, can stand up from the age of 16 and be part of it, and can be voted for from the age of 18 onwards. Compare that with what is going on in mainstream parliaments, including the Swiss one in Berne...


At the other side of democracy is dictatorship. Japan practiced the extreme under the Shogun's bloody dictatorship from 1603-1867. The first Shogun united Japan and overcame the feuds of the local warlords. The Shogun's will and words were the laws for the then 30 millions Japanese, enforced by some 2 millions samurai, the masters of the sword. The sword was a symbol of uniting the opposites in the short time its hardened steel splits the whole of life apart. The most famous Kensei (sword saint) Miyamoto Musashi, out of his thus found whole, slaughtered 60 fighters to pieces. For our intellectuals it is the word magic with the same, but more subtler effect of divide for short-term rule of the mind in the time of dying away from any essence in a state of nirvana, blended by the word's denotational power over the world. In Zen, ultimately perverse perfection was sought by sword and meditation from the inner path outwards; that's now called whisfully, "positive thinking". In Japan, since 660 BC, on top of all that is the emperor, who manages to be loved by people by its symbolic power because he void of all political power. At the end of the 18th century Japan broke out of its self-chosen isolation under the Shoguns and became an imperial power, who indulged in bloody mass murder by sword crazy, and blood thirsty soldiers above all in China up to kamikaze fighter pilots facing the total defeat by the US in World War II with suicide terror attacks on the US-Navy; it ended with the ultimate totally annihilating terror of two US-atom bombs. And yet the Japanese emperor was the only defeated leader who survived World War II, just as the main religions have so far survived their worst scandals...


The Option I world seeks its way between demo-cracy and dictator-ship where their is absolutely no substance, and therefore no solution, after the illusion, only blood, sweat and tears about the inevitable outcome of Bm-social Darwinism!


And that is now globalized with high tech, subtly embellished; utterly careless for any one concerned and affected by collateral damage...


Raping people while raping the planet, dreaming of an escape route, suppressing Option II at all cost, that is what is cooking in Option I formatted minds, and that is what Option I world breeds beyond any sustainable proportion - in the name of "humanity" using the wordy arty-farty knowledge work of the humanities! Its intellectuals pretend they are the ants' pants and having the answer for everything, in fact just opinions, by which they freak out at the key questions of life...


The ultimate Option I technology, Coolhunting by Galaxyadvisiors, pretends to be able to deliver, what humankind has been asking for since day one; to predict what the future will bring us, so those in the know, can "become a galaxy". Indeed that is, in principle straightforward in a Bm-restrained world having today's means available and people greedy for it! You just have to distil the m-process of formally multiplied (m) boundary conditions (B), with the so-called collective intelligence, in terms of where its mainstream flows, e.g. after an economic low, to another rise, or "if the cockcrows cries on the dung-heap, the weather stays as it is”. In the first stage of distillation, the evolving best practice, in terms of the spirit of the time, leads to future organizational Bm-structures. Then successful investments in it, reveal new Bm-trends with their mass-attractivity. For all that you need appropriate extrapolation techniques starting with sufficient data without any prejudice, as is no problem for an "anything goes" mind. Everything is based on the assumptions that successfully uttered Bm-opinions, set the stage for the future. In the past, brains like those of Hitler, mastered this task brilliantly. Too bad, that the evolution of systems thus closed in on themselves, leads to self-destructive bubbles as we have seen it in politics, media hypes, and the world of finance! And, to secure such worlds, any non Bm-substance, such as yours, has to be preventively rendered ineffective, just as Herod had some 6000 children murdered when he heard the rumor of a new king being born. Hitler had to scapegoat the Jews to shut up any opposition in fear. However, such measures also provide the breeding ground for terrorists of all kinds, up to sophisticated state terrorism. Fact is, you cannot ridicule the substantial order God has created, be it by suppressing ecology through politics in the name of the economic imperative, or arrogantly, intellectually ignoring the individual laws of lifefulfillment in the name of humanity, e.g. collective Bm-intelligence. The so far obscured laws of lifefulfillment, which are now introduced with Option II, in fact really set the scene for our future options! Real insights are never the history of an Option I formal evolution; in fact they expose such thinking catastrophe as lies, however, not always just in time to prevent them from mutating into human catastrophes! So in the meantime people are made to think our managers and leaders have everything under control, while much more than most people, those on top are under the Bm-control of the spirit of the time, most of them already boiling frogs under Option I struggling to keep their image. And what does the pseudo-science "semantics" do; it validates the prevailing hypes in the Bm-reductionist spirit of the time and prepares the IoT, the internet of things, and studies how people perceive animals as pet and food, beyond people understanding each other!


In the Dark Ages, philosophers and alchemists raved about sciences in ignorant ways. The real breakthrough, however, came from Newton's insight, alone, under an apple tree, and that within the structure and setting of his being into which he was born. In the case of Einstein, it was clear that collective intelligence was in his way, rather proclaiming the trend he ended. Also his insights were worked out for a long time within the secrecy of the Manhattan projects. Unlike the use of the Bm-approach, I am modeling the substance of real human systems in all of 16 dimensions of life, focusing on their life-fulfillment; the so far prevailing force in humanity towards a desirable future. The force you evoke might prevail at certain times and places. But one thing is certain, where it is amplified with man-made means beyond further insights, the outcome will not be desirable. And that can be proved, and has been proved all through history for those with eyes to see, and ears to hear. More so, the ground for a desirable future has been modeled in an operational way by me, since 1979 increasingly successful beyond my wildest expectations which by themselves would have never guided me there.




Here we go the necessary step further, we do not just call each other "well understood and well understanding"; we ask participants to learn it and qualify with it sufficiently. Also we transcend even the most perfected Bm-Option I cults where an elite rules over suppressed people. The answer beyond organizations despising real people is an Option II Life Fulfilling Platform. Our highest esteem does not go to any kinds of leaders, chairmen, managers, officers, priest, or any outstanding humans, collective abstracts, idols, or gods; we turn it towards the God created potentials of real humans! And that in terms of their principles of lifefulfillment properly understood and considered in their relationships, teams and cultures, to foster their lifefulfillment. Practically all cultures had phases where people tried to achieve that with values and ideals. However, that approach cannot but fail on all accounts by its underlying personally-neutral principle! And it has done so with a trail of blood up to World Wars, and those of all scapegoats! What did the "humanities" do? I turned the gruesome burning of so-called witches, about as many as the Nazis gassed Jews, into mass-attractive fairy tales! A masterpiece of infotainment! Meanwhile we know with what institutions like the Catholic Church have got away for centuries, and state with "Reichtagsbrand" (in 1933 the German parliament was put on fire, supposedly by a Dutch; it was used as the onset to end democracy...) and 9/11 deceptions...


Since the beginning of this century the point of no return from restoring the former wordy values has been surpassed; the denigration towards anything goes speeds up to the bitter end! If we do not come up with something better; specifically Option II, humanity will fulfill it's destiny entangled with that of Option I, self-destruction. That is what you as affiliate to promoting Option II congruent with a task by which you can fulfill your life, are of utmost importance! Let the others rave on as if we live in the best of all possible worlds; they will not have the last word!


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