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Pro and Contra Values...

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1D) +2(§0/H4) Overcoming Simplifications

The three criterion of delusion and madness, according to the psychiatrist and philosopher Karl Jaspers are:
1) certainty held with absolute conviction,
2) incorrigibility unwilling to change in view of compelling counterargument or proof to the contrary
3) impossibility or falsity of content where implausible, bizarre or patently untrue argumentation are used. Nevertheless, such are the traditional values upheld by non-substantial, emotional 1st Daughter figures in succession of the Bm-Option I culture to maintain for +2 more of the same:

1) Mainstream Option I culture maintains a personally-neutral, e.g. factual but personally meaningless image of what humans are, which so far has defied every understanding of the real nature of real people as outlined here! For the purpose of Option I to succeed at all cost, the non-substantial 1D contributes with her p-perception of where to apply her m-power, with coercive %5-manipulations in the name of mass-attractive values! While all entities have their time, and everything requires its time to become a blessing, non-substantial 1D want immediate satisfaction by referring to values. However, in this way their values become meaningless!

2) Not only do the "humanists" in all their faculties deny the possibility of understanding real human systems, they mostly flip out at the possibility of personally-relevant science#3 as advocated here. In her A-anger, the emotional 1D-figure aims for the M-maximum, just as Hitler as a revengeful 1D did, traumatized in World War I in a poison gas attack, walking over millions of dead bodies to the bitter end of World War II!

3) Each real human being's existence is a falsification of the generalizing Bm-philosophies, which turn mass-attractive Boundary conditions as multiplied ideologies into ruling systems; in pseudo-scientific ways, based on presumptuous ideas or statistics about published options! In her guilt, the 1D-figure simplifies the consequences of her %5-manipulations by S-defocusing from any empathy with the victims and turning towards her +2 more of the same values. In this way, the USA keeps piling up its debts, speaks of unavoidable collateral damage, and sucks energy out of all concerned, which is meanwhile most of the world. However, we all know, that this cannot go on forever, any yet we still prefer the USA to upstarts such as formerly the Soviets, or China or India...

And so poor 1D have to fight to the death for outdated values, unless they personally go beyond their own emotional, traditional borders advocated by CNN 2009, 10 years after the fall of the wall, turning the new trend into yet another streamlining value:



Overcoming TEMPTATION: The emotional 1D-type does her part in securing succession of the tradition by value creation beyond the inessential +2 greed for simply more of the same! And that goes beyond simply following one's lust as animals supposedly do, or primitive barbarians preceding modern culture. Traditionally, essential values are supposed to open up people beyond +2 greed to considerations of the necessity of §0-sustainability based on understanding the relevant H4-sustantialities. In terms of nature this was successfully achieved by accounting for its content-free basic laws, which allowed far more effective technologies than mere human manipulation did. Since these laws are immutable, the corresponding technology can be far more §0-sustainable, than everything man-manipulated for example on the basis of subject/object philosophy with the resulting self-destructive politics. Under Option I this concept of relating to what is innately sustainable is at best valued as physics in terms of the technology that it allows for. In Japan 2011, the so-called Japanese nuclear mafia, the owners of the failed Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant, TEPCO, the consequences of neglecting this basis in building and maintaining its plants have manifested with disastrous consequences - after Chernobyl 1986 - we were no wiser!

Here in these pages we finally go the necessary step further, transcending tradition up to modeling the essence of real human beings and their systems in relevant ways for life- through task-fulfillment. And that sufficiently beyond personally-neutral ethics and moral of traditional wordy societies, which otherwise end up in the traps of their man-made/managed, closed systems based on the Option I Bm-thinking catastrophe! In order to prevent these human catastrophes, we need to understand and consider people's possible, individual, encompassing personally-relevant 1728 oegp's. They alone do justice to the innate, not the wordy conditioned potential of human systems. While psychology at large is based upon the latter; it diverges into Option I Bm-mono-political madness, the former converges towards LifeFulfilling Platforms!



WHAT IS: So far humanity has struggled largely in H4-ignorance, in view of human systems, still trapped in tribal ?0-myth, Greek philosophies and oligarchies, the *3-Roman Empire, religious wars, Inquisition, tinkering with monarchies and nationalism, demo-crazy, seemingly free in the +2 market economy. Since World War II, the American Way of life is at the leading edge of this tradition bound 1D-"knife throwing" opinion struggle. However, by ignoring the essence of real people (trans) beyond content free science#1 of nature, personally-neutral humanities#2, and anything-goes art#0 (trap), the new US-dominated global culture has come to its wits end in mostly US-triggered bubbles. In fact in such non-substantial cults based only on mass-attractive wishful thinking, and displaced from H4-understanding, people are condemned (trapped), e.g pre-trans-trapped from any blessing, tempted to be more afraid of the solution (trans), than the symptoms (pre). It is like in Cinderella, when the mother's favorite daughter cut her foot to fake being beautiful so she could attract the the prince, e.g. the principles of life. In this way Americans now resemble cells in the ever faster search for meaning, and "enzymes to get their DNA functions going", e.g. money for houses, cars, images in a larger whole such as an organ(isation), or bodies (of government). Now the US cannibalizes its own substance and values, to go on, largely at the cost of China, instead of being for and on LifeFulfilling Platforms.

Go watch the US-highway and shopping systems, the whole cancerous infra-structure! Being reduced to a cell entity, more and more people freak out into fat and unhealthy outer shapes, and/or into inner poisoning by drugs, driven to extremes, anything goes behavior, just like cancer cells. And worst of all, they declare this all as normal, based on degenerated 1D-values of "tolerance"; apathetic about anything that goes in "freedom" - hopefully at the expense of the rest of the world. In each presidential election the US-cell-people hope for a super cell to lead them to a renewed organ of the US as the world's remaining super-brain, as superpower. And then soon after the 50% + election, more and more media driven people to go for that super cell the majority of the minority had just voted for. It is like bacteria disrupting, and viruses cannibalizing cells, here the US-President, for lacking the ability to govern desirable organs (economic growth), bodies (institutions serving real people), and religions and education (soul and mind keeping movements) systems. After Barack Obama's election as US-President in 2008, Republicans swore to finish him off as a scapegoat. Then they began to sabotage his government, and mob him as a "socialist" where they could, almost at any price for the US-cell-people.

At the same time, following up the former Republican President Bush's war against terror, 2011 against Gaddafi, an ever tighter net of DNA-control and manipulation was being put over the increasing number of US-cell people. Now you find them erring around behind words darkly, proudly announcing themselves to be dollar slaves - to save their faces and prevent the boss firing them. Consider that the USA had the highest prison population in the world in 2010, below per 100'000 inhabitants:

In addition they have the greatest number of shrinks - (psychiatrists, psychologists), spin-doctors, and lawyers per head of population, which clearly speaks for bad, Option I government...



WHAT SHOULD BE, WHAT NOT: So where are the 1Ds to save humanity from +2 greedy degeneration, frozen in mass-attractive values, which are mere pre-trans-traps around the frozen zeitgeist from an outdated unfatherly cult? What is required, is putting forth §0-sustainablity in terms of a better understanding of the so far suppressed, H4-relationshop to relevant substantialities as presented here; in view of life- through task fulfillment in real human systems. Americans tend to believe, that if you cannot save America, the world at large is doomed! But how can you save America with the prevailing DNA manipulated cell-mentality? You cannot, even if Barack Obama repeats: "YES WE CAN!" This is in fact the dullest, but therefore the most mass-attractive punch line! And WE cannot save any real human entity from any ZG-?0-*3 +2 temptation, for "WE" is a mere non-substantial psycho-political construct, and as such, IT and its intellectual priests, are in fact the problem! So by the exclusive non-scientific, even crazy (in its own definition as outlined above), approach of Option I, with its necessary, but not sufficient-sciences#1,#2,#0 ultimately aiming just at Bm-multiplying mass-attractive boundary conditions to normed people, we have come to the end of the Option I age that began with wordy Greek philosophy and hit the wall with the Japanese nuclear disaster 2011!

And where is the 1D-contribution which values the sufficiently personally-relevant Applied Personal Science#3 introduced here - by the way by a Cinderella type 2nd daughter - me, the author, the APS-founding "organ". Guess how I felt 2011 in the USA among, all the "DNA/media-controlled, supposedly free cells" struggling not to become cancerous outcasts from the expanding Dollar-tumor and its meta-stasis all over the world, e.g. losing their jobs! Traveling from Pine Island - Cabbage Key in Florida, to the Bahamas with my wife Diane, I felt like writing the above! Let us face it, there is only ONE bottom line value; staying in touch with the relevant substantialities, above all, that of one's own being and correspondingly, those of one's fellow human beings, and that of the nature of the environment! Anything pretending to be of value that in fact side-tracks from, or pre-trans-traps this Option II bottom line, is Bm-cultivating Option I, even at the abyss, a step further. And indeed while in Florida, the rumor that the financial crisis was initiated by "financial terrorists", e.g. malign cancer cells, began to spread. Similarly the previous Challenger Disaster, blowing seven astronauts and their Discovery Space Shuttle to pieces over Florida in 1986, was then projected to ignorant people as an accident! In actual fact it was a management disaster of ??????topping the H4-considerations of engineers by the agendas of +2 arrogant managers - to fail predictably in §0-sustainability just as in case of the Fukushima Nuclear Power Plant:

As soldiers for Caesar were chess peaces for the Roman Emperor, for those NASA managers, astronauts used to be just guinea pigs with whose performances they embellished their careers. In fact under astronaut John Glenn, his colleagues revolted against that Option I attitude, more subtle, but similar to what people in North Africa have been doing in 2011 stood up against for. So far all of this was basically in vain as it turned out after some cosmetic changes ! As long as people are under Bm-Option I and made to believe that this is their destiny, while in fact it is just the consequence of adopting Option I, nothing will change to the better as history has ample proof. In short humanity, above all the US, is stuck at overcoming inconsiderate +2 greed leading to non-sustainable quantitative growth! The way out is nothing less than considering §0-sustantiality in terms of H4-relating to the relevant substantialities, above all to self and that of one's fellow human beings to support their life-fulfillment and challenge them to do their bit, as good parents, and in following them up, 1S and 1D are supposed to do it with the "littlies" ahead.


But what has happened instead of what should happen in recent history? The fatherly Russian communists tried to represent the new ZG-zeitgeist, pretending history would go their direction. It all started with people preferring the golden calf, instead of God's commandments pointing to H4-substantiality of lifefulfillment! Whenever it did not work out, such as in building the tower of Babble, the mainstream walked away from paradise, covering themselves up with fig leaves, rhetoric and discussions. And that up to communists, and lately the Israelis, to walling themselves in. The former did it as an "Evil Empire", and failed as closed system in its self-destructive dynamics. Now managers thus get stuck in their paper work to fit the regulations. After the Berlin Wall fell, the motherly hippies-esoteric-yuppies, "making love instead of war", took over with their ?0-illusions and have, in their attempts to set up the world as a kindergarten, meanwhile faded away in dope and smoke. Previously the word of God, the Bible, was replaced by philosophical stuff and then illusionary novels, love by pornography and so on, virgin forests by devastating mono-culture, cultures reversing to cults. Then the 1S-princely bankers, as seeming "masters of the universe", introduced their pseudo-hopeful infinite, bubble *3-survival up to the known crisis. And now the buck lies with the 1D-princess, the remaining superpower, the USA, which can seemingly only survive with the now on all levels threatened +2 quantitative growth. This prevailing, but blind ideology, its priest hidden behind words darkly, is in fact manifest as the pre-trans-trapping "mental Berlin wall" against Option II. It is meanwhile cracking all along and in all heads, requiring a web of lies to keep it, e.g. Option I in glue...

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