Surprise - Stress or Challenge?
Psychology tries to Manage the Stress
unavoidable under Option I - in vain...
Transparency instead of
Hardens (T), demeans (G), and
eventually traps (p) people in
their closed, self-destructive
thinking catastrophes! Before
the point of no return this
78% majority (due to
Option I social conditioning)
then tries to scape-goat the
others by
pre-trans-trapping them. See
John 8:44: You belong
to Father of lies...
Challenge activates the inner
resources for the
22% t-types: |
30% T-types
get provoked, agitated to the
point of anger
Our Father of deception, which
art in hell, obscured be thy
name; make me the representative
of thy kingdom rule on Earth;...
... so the
I can command in my
kingdom with your tricks... |
1662 Anglican
Our Father, which art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
because you are the Creator
of ...sustainable substance
19% g-types
feel threatened, which activates
their fear, blocking their
coping resources and making them
avoid and flee, or
pretend to be non-understanding,
dull, even dead, or
desperately aggressive.
...thy evolution will mutate and
fragment earth and
everything.Give us this day our
daily spin.
And make our trespasses
mass-attractive, as we bully
those who trespass against us
and mutate them in our favor.
... so I
can control things in my
way detached from any higher
thy will be done, on earth as it
is in heaven. Give us this day
our daily bread. And forgive us
our trespasses, as we forgive
them that trespass against us.
we are your Creatures
29% p-types
feel the loss of ..., which
inhibits and paralyzes them into
...And lead us when we are
tempting others; but deliver us
from understanding. For thine is
the kingdom, the power, and the
glory,for ever and ever so that
the show can go on.
Anything goes.
... so my
communication becomes the
tip of the balance in my
direction.. |
And lead us not into
temptation; but deliver us from
evil. For thine is the kingdom,
the power, and the glory, for
ever and ever. Amen.
... so we
can fulfill our lives given to
us by you, individually
fulfilling the purpose you made
us to be in your Creation |
What is Personally Relevant to YOU
On your
path from Option I
to Option II, you will understand
and be given the opportunity to
You are
also getting the opportunity to share
your insights, experiences, temptations
and problems with others their path; not
for discussions, but for
T |