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Coping with the Spirit of the Time and its Disciples...

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There is more to Communication than Language...


Symbols can convey something Beyond Words...

On-Track Mind

Signing in to a Bm-one track mind makes it easy to consider those who cannot keep up with the specific Bm-competition as inferior, and worse. And so their seems to be no need to understand others. But what and who you cannot understand, you cannot love, and are tempted to manipulate and rape...

  1. All religions and ideologies agree in claiming that there is a knowledge work to be applied to cope with the stress of life in a better way than defaulting to the spirit of the time, which claims to be the ants pants...

  2. All religions preach punishment applies if their knowledge work is not used sufficiently. In Christianity the requirement to be saved is the believe that sets you free, in Islam the five duties to be performed, in Asia, it is often to keep your face, in technology it is to keep it sufficiently sustainable, in tune with physics and ecology, and so on...

  3. The differences are in terms of the suggested knowledge work to switch on the human brain beyond that of say animals, and
    * p-preceding culture in barbarian ways with side tracking / tempted in the space of opportunities like R-Regan for anything desirable to go, for which Gonerill poisoned her,
    * g-enmity, demeaning others / fighting (life)energy with own e-motions like G-Goneril, reacting against all the others to get her way with her energy, by which, in the end, she killed herself in desperation...
    * T-falling into the traditional trap, imposing exclusively what is a matter of course / like L-King Lear who wanted to possess his daughter as his matter, for which he ended up with a broken heart after his daughters messed it all up
    * t-transcending what is meaningless by giving meaning to individual life in its time / like C-Cordelia who got stuck in worldly time to be hanged at the order of Goneril...

    So what is the proper knowledge work?

  4. As elements of their knowledge, all religions basically have their t-God, highest authority,       (economic) imperatives, and the three T/L-, p/R-, g/G-kinds of devils, temptations, fundamentalisms, sins, errors, political correctness, scapegoats, pre-trans-traps, decay, chaos, anarchy...

  5. All religions as churches, some as seeming representatives of God on Earth, all ideologies of collectives in the end want you to work with your substance (soul) on the knowledge they multiply (m) by preaching, usually as boundary condition (B) to be kept as holy. Some want you to be entirely other-determined by them. All want that of you, in order to make sense of living together in their way. However, Jesus preached something else altogether..

Goethe: "Hellas, we have two Souls in our Chest..."

Switzerland was founded as a special case in the middle of the European Bm-bloody spirit of the time in which basically boundaries and rules (B) were multiplied (m) by bloody battles. The Swiss founding fathers insisted from 1291 onwards to workout (w) their boundaries (B) themselves in controlled democratic ways against all the odds of the time, in 1291 of the Austrian Empire. In modern Switzerland therefore politics is between the Bm-Euro-Turbos wanting to join the European Union und thereby succumb the Swiss citizen to European and International Rights under the slogan "security through cooperation", and those who insist to go on with Bw, the Swiss special case, with its direct democracy, neutrality, and not just the bank secrecy, but protecting the citizen from undue government interventions.


Reframing Limiting Ideologies

Switzerland has opened up the one-track X>Bm minded spirit of the time, to a two track mind X>Bw>Bm; a 50% improvement from allowing 12.5% (X, Bm-mode) of the 16 essential human resources to 18.75% (X, Bw-, and Bm-mode). In consequence that means a corresponding increase of wellbeing, but also an increased awareness of the sadness of the still so limiting approach. If it is not t-transcended with Option II, then the one-track minded, potentially 78% Option I minds will prevail and reveal democracy in itself as truly the worst form of government. Why? Because of is very Bm-bottom line, it basically excludes science#3 and therefore becomes self-destructive. The signs about this fact are meanwhile also predominantly on the Swiss walls asking people with eyes to see, and ears to hear for a t-reframing. In 2010 that was still possible, above all in Switzerland where this site comes from...


What Time Reveals Beyond [o,o,o] Defaulting


about open and hidden Agendas



[0>3]-Understanding of Hints
beyond Appearance

 personally-neutral Science#2
 personally relevant understanding#3

[1>2]-Qualified Service
based on the Interests
of lifefulfillment those
concerned under Option II






[3>1]-Reframing basics
from qualified Insights
beyond Option I
Thinking Catastrophes...


Time spend with knowledge works on the basis of facts#1 and personally-relevant understanding#3 reveals what fulfills anyway, such as the laws of nature and life, and what oneself is urged to fulfill based on who one truly is. And that of course with no undue Bm-limitations to the 15 other dimensions of life such as Option I promotes it as easier in the name of social compatibility, politically correctness, and so on based on manipulated majorities, pre-trans-trapping anyone with another point of view, so that anything else might go...

In practical terms, depending on the life-principle each individual has, one's destiny is determined by the stereotypes described by Skakespear with King Lear (L), and his daughters Regan (R), Gonerill (G), Cordelia (C) when it came to inherit their father. Thus in terms of [need-focus-call], [L,C,G] means a destiny as a person focusing on a honest C-Cordelia kind of life outcast by the king og the mainstream, needing the support of a better L-kingdom than the prevailing one of Lear (in "King Lear's Tragedy", the King of France), in order to follow the call, to overcome the lesser kingdom (here Option I with Option II) with  g-Gonerill kind of battling what is opposed to one's agenda. And indeed in "King Lear", Cordelia together with the King of France came to rage a battle against the Goneril/Regan England to restore the Learian Kingdom of her father. But that create just a tragic lose-lose scenario for all concerned...

Using one's innate knowledge work to deal with the lessons from the past (a), the present (e) experience, and the desirable future (u), rather than defaulting to one's destiny (o), the default destiny [L,C,G] as [Lo,Co,Go], becomes [La,Cu,Gu]. This example actually reflects the author's life! This way,

  • based on the Option II, I need a La-input about how the Learian (Mater of fact history of kings such as Lear) thinking catastrophes have all in the a-past turned into human catastrophes, so

  • I can Cu-focus in terms of Option II, as a C-Cordelian type person would have had to deal with her time in a more desirable way than Shakespeare allowed her,

  • in order to be able follow my Gu-inner call to output a qualified G-Gonerill opposition to Option I by promoting a lifefulfilling u-future with Option II.

In similar ways it is possible to identify your L,R,G,C lifeless, depicted by shallow "consonant" destiny under Option I, and how YOU can fulfill who you truly are beyond o-defaulting to your blind destiny, hidden behind words darkly! That is what the knowledge work that corresponds to who you are, here denoted with to vowels a,e,u does to you to bring melodie in your life.

But the world has hidden my [L,C,G] destiny in it with the name "Peter Meier", given to obscure my lifefulfillment principle [La,Cu,Gu], in order to LCU-instrumentalize me as "Peter Meier" for its hidden agenda. In fact it takes Option I minds little time to get to a [L,C,G]-prejudice from my appearance and behavior judged in worldly I terms. All my site are ample prove for that in the Bm-exclusive world of Option I!

Please reflect your prejudice you developed about me from what you have seen of me, and judge for yourself. If that is all there is, we mutually force ourselves into corresponding "King Lear" tragedies; one for each of us, out of the 64 [need-focus-call] possibilities there are with the Option I possibilities of L,R,G,C. None of it is less tragic than the other, e.g. living hell. In the "Boook of Change", the I GING, that was known in China centuries before Jesus Christ opened the path, which in truth leads to lifefulfillment. Similarly the genetic code of all forms of life consists of so-called RNA-Codons, triplets of the 4 possible nucleotide (U,C,A,G).

So if you go along with o-defaulting your knowledge about yourself as just being a machine genetically programmed by "evolution", you condemn yourself to its Learian tragedy of an unfulfilled life.

So what is your religion as that which allows you to t-transcend such a destiny, certainly not wanted for you by the God who created you? Then why did he create all the possibilities of the L-self-destructive, R-primitive, G-demeaning devils? Since he is no sadist, it can only be for the utmost importance of us finding out the t-science 2>0>3>1>2>0... ourselves, with the ample help he provides for those with an Option II mind. He must trust us that we can do it, since he has equipped us accordingly, and is ready to support our conscience#3 for that purpose. Believe it or not; both avenues require a similar effort, though the outcome is totally different!

Wasting YOUR Life, or fulfilling it, that is the questions to answer it you were were created and given your life for! So you might as well consider the proper knowledge work before the point of NO return from a false answer...


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