Congratulation for your Courage to honestly answer the basic questions towards Option II

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Step 1: Face Option I Squarely!


YOU have made a Step beyond just Reacting
to a Genuine Information towards Option I>II


Option I: Confines Living Together in Four Steps

1) Onset with of one’s unavoidable innate normality: You have been given your personal analysis of your actual and desirable mental qualities, and thereby the space, the you give yourself to reframing your mind based on insights about the options which have also been given to you specifically. Find out and understand where you are in the following possibilities:

  • 26% of all people try to be consciously of a quantitative service#1 with something considered to be basic, and that of course for an appropriate return on investment for fairness and to acknowledge their well meaning as servants.

  • 28% of all people attempt to prepare the ground to rule with personally-neutral wordy concepts#2 portrayed as being good for the well being of everybody, if followed. On that basis those people aspire to positions of a master, or a leader to be followed with the corresponding privileges and possessions regulated by their ideologies.

  • 23% of all people attempt to come up with possibilities to embellish and or point to the relationship between what has to be mastered, and what serves as help, tools, weapons, resources etc., with mass-attractive forms#0 appealing to the intentions of the masters of the world and gain access to their share of possessions which the servants have worked for.

  • 23% attempt to get clear inside themselves (you are ready for this link, when you have understood YOUR option2, which will be revealed to you after your Option I challenge) about what is personally relevant#3 for themselves and others ranging from understanding communication in its content and meaning, health and well-being, up to life-fulfillment to foster synergy.

2) Depending on the spirit of the time in the publically multiplied (m), in the mass prevailing boundary conditions (B), there are four hidden agendas people follow. Psychology prides itself to validate its wordy models in Bm-terms; its hidden agenda to become the ruler of the Bm-spirit of the time! Under Option II, we validate models in terms of the essence of those they deal with in terms of doing justice to their lifefulfillment.

What type of hidden Bm-agenda you pursue is depends on your being and will be revealed to you specifically when you follow the email that brought you here. With their Bm-mode, people are thus socially conditioned to get noticed in the T=trap of the social Darwinian way of the Option I society. This way they amplify the Bm-society - mostly at all cost! In short, everybody participates in the Bm-idolatry with the specific one out of 16 modes of being! Most people react to anything else as being not politically correct, Bm-seemingly socially incompatible. And that means that you have to excuse yourself if you want to fulfill your life beyond the Bm-cult and remain your integrity; in order not to get bullied or remain underprivileged! Most people thus get some kind of a burnout for this conundrum and eventually die of it, unfulfilled. So be a pessimist if you piss against the wind, but be aware that only dead fish swim with the stream...

  • 30% are T-conservative, trying to build up their "kingdoms", greedy for the power associated with possession, and protecting them. To achieve that they advocate goal-oriented leadership and the push it until it all becomes a trap (T) to them. Then they want someone else to “inherit” their mess without them losing the benefits - see King Lear, whose exemplary tragedy by Shakespeare includes these four stereotypes.

  • 29% are p-particularly insisting (Reagan) in angry and deceptive ways on drilling deeper and fragment what needs to be dealt with as whole, such as life. And so they regress what they call evolution, into what has preceded (p) the prevailing T-trend such as with foul compromises, politics as "the art of the possible", reducing Creation to things, and things to denotations to discuss them into chaos, understanding to feelings, and them to emotions, and so on pretending to know it all while understanding nothing. They try to wipe the internal enemy and as a legitimation, they provoke those they do not like into seemingly doing what they actually do, breaking the T-laws in its spirit. They thus lurk behind and are prone to be so-called primitive, ready to do the dirty work, or simply indulge in so-called sins, hypes and fads. And they make a great poetic effort to save their faces and their hidden agendas…

  • 19%, uncertain of themselves and afraid to be ignored, are g-against being challenged (Goneril) to apply their substance to contributing, understanding, loving, following, admitting, fulfilling tasks. They want the reward before they are prepared to cooperate, and that should include the security that the work will not be too hard for them and stays enjoyable. They use the sword against external enemies, and as a legitimation outcast those, they do not like. They swing between taking two false steps (pp) and two rights steps (tt) in order to get rid of what is in their way to get the cake and eat it, and yet the often lose it all at the end; survival by self-annihilation is their motto. They want to be like the zero "0"; in itself a nothing, the position of which matters. So when it is about "business" they want something, but they demean self-appointed "Prophets" and their supposed successors, "Caliphs".

  • 22% are, seemingly overconfident and daring, attempting to t-transcend what limits them (Cordelia); as in King Lear, for T-people (King Lear when he set out to trap them all) they seem disrespectful, for people too demanding, and for p-people, an unwelcome reminder of the wrong they are tempted to focus on. Under this pressure of the 78% of the T-, p-, majority they have against themselves, t-people might crack up to betray themselves in order to also get their share of power. On that trip they use tricks, and/or brute force to break out of the actual injustice done to them, in desperation, reacting to the 78% falseness of the Option I world. That in turn is misused by Option I minds to try more of the same and upgrade its arms!

In short, T-, p-,g-, t-minds are mutually annihilating themselves as in the stereotype of King Lear's tragedy.

3) Along this Option I track we end up having people with four innate basic “normalites” in terms of the respective conscience#1,2,0,3, socially conditioned to compete in their hidden T-, p-,g-, t-agendas towards the publically organized sciences#1,2,0. That excludes science#3 on a social level, because it appears to be socially incompatible to the 78% majority. So in public, people are streamlined into the spirit of the time, fragmented as follows in order to be ruled by those on top of the Bm-spirit of the time:

  • 55% are trying to be of a quantitative service with something considered to be basic in the Bm-spirit of the time, and that of course for an appropriate return on investment in fairness and to be acknowledged as well meaning servants. Those "servants" rely on the mighty quantitative science#1 of nature for technology, and that of economy to get their share of mammon. Lately "Sociophysics" based on a quantitative analysis how hypes spread in virtual reality, e.g. on Facebook is used to give serving with methods meaning. In the Age of Enlightenment scientific methods allowed for the breakthrough to objectivity and democracy against the following two authoritarian forces combined above all in the Nobility backed up by the inquisitive Catholic Church:

  • 33% are attempting to rule with personally-neutral wordy concepts portrayed with an effective spin to serve the well being of everybody to be followed. On this basis these people aspire for positions of a master, manager, or leader to be followed with the corresponding rights for privileges of command-control power and possessions regulated by their ideologies. They build on what they call the prevailing legitimate law and the political correctness propagated by the humanities#2.

  • 11% are attempting to embellish the relationship between masters and servants with mass-attractive forms appealing to the intentions of the masters to get their share of otherwise the master's possessions, which the servants are to be working for. Ultimately they rely on their communicative power to challenge the master’s authority whenever and where they fail to please and appeal to the intellectual’s tastes.

The rest becomes a rerun of known history which the intellectuals gladly embellish and disguise to keep science#3 away from people, so the above evil trinity with their rhetoric which demeans real people in favor of coercive forms of organization which prevent people to transcend them towards Life-Fulfilling Platforms. At times that is executed by inquisitive secret services when the seduction with "bread and circus", and "reward and punishment" have lost their communicative power, and the now globally wordy idolatry is in danger of losing the game of "divide and rule" by its reformation under Option II…


4) Option I triggers the inner mode of being which corresponds to the social Bm-dimension of the boundary conditions (B) that become prevailing in their multiplication (m). In its Option I's inert dynamic of the multiplication of opinions (media-democracy, free market) about what is to rule, we now have a global idol, the spirit of the time, which thrives on the corresponding states of people. In short, its fire burns on your Bm-state too! When the ethical value associated to the B-state, a stumbling block for the spirit of the time, a corner stone for you, fades away from it, you get a burnout! That burns until you take it back under Option II or die of it! Where this fire prevails, it consumes people’s life fulfillment, ruins cultures, leads to wars and worse. On the other hand, the Bm-mode of people amplifies Bm and thereby Option I mindsets and the associated Bm-cults; a vicious circle! In fact there are 16 essential, and 8 inessential modes of being in real life, effective in the 16 dimensions of social interactions. , corresponding to the lifefulfillment principle.

  • Option I put the Bm-dimension on top of the other 15 in order to cannibalize their substance.

  • Option II recognizes each of the 16 dimensions in their own right.

The pay-off for assuming Option I with proper knowledge work is the enhancement of one’s Bm-mode is like the hot water for a boiling frog! With it, society warms you up until you get so cozy that you miss the point of NO return from society boiling you to death in its King Lear tragedies! Shakespeare had worked out, what is now becoming the self-fulfilling prophecy of the still prevailing Option I world. The signs are on all walls for those who have still eyes to see, and ears to hear, e.g. for frogs that still have the power to jump out of the kettle of the now almost boiling water, e.g. a messy world arrived in the non-trust era. But "you have to put your foot into the water yourself, before the Jordan opens" for your passage from Option I to Option II! At this stage you should be well under way, are you?…

Please study this page thoroughly until you understand all the concepts and hints about your personal Option I, one-track
(X# [T,p,G,t] Bm#):M-E Mind with
X#  : Inner Knowledge Work relevant to the fulfillment of your Being (vocation)
    : Your characteristic Hidden Agenda among the four possible ones
Bm#: Worldly Bm-Knowledge Work (profession) to get your opinions into the world
   : Bm-mode of being and its
    : associated Ethical Value

Your feedback to improve the path you have already covered is appreciated - please check your notes for open questions and respond. To allow what is higher than you to move you in your life to fulfillment, you are going to need to look around and appreciate what is available in that direction for you; here and now. Seek what is right and effective, what is good, beautiful, and relevant; count the blessing from existence. Dissatisfaction will not bring the happier and the better into your life. Your attitude roots you to its fulfillment, be it for good or bad. Appreciation for who you truly are, attracts the happier and better to you for your lifefulfillment.

The proof of the tempting Option I cake: Eric Siegel Ph.D. from, in his really cool and exciting manner presents Predictive Analytic Applied as the leading edge business intelligence technology. It supposedly produces predictive scores for each customer about it, he or she will do this and that, and the general behavior with a business value by collecting %-collective quantitative data and experience. What better ambition can you have than automatically learning from data to create business values, and decision making automation towards money making machines?

Siegel advertises his topic in the Option I terms of ZG-zeitgeist, ?0-illusions and visions, *3-survival reactions, +2 more of the same lustfully / -4 demeaning what does not promise immediate satisfaction, %1-politcal correctness, %5-manipulation in its loopholes, %6-projecting the success with it as the next trend to ride and cash off...

ZG best zeitgeist practices to ride on mega trends
?0 Improve and advance Your Core Business Capacity competitively
*3 Compete – Secure the Most Powerful and Unique Competitive Stronghold
+2 GrowIncrease Sales and Retain Customers Competitively
-4 Enforce – Maintain Business Integrity by Managing Fraud
%1 Satisfy – Meet Today's Escalating Consumer Expectations
%5 Learn how to Employ Today's Most Advanced Analytics
%6 Act – Render Business Intelligence and Analytics truly actionable

He hope you enjoy this program, fasten your seat belt, lean forward slightly, embrace yourself, and turn on your concentration key, for a lot of content is to be jammed permanently into you head in order for you to understand, not yourself and others, beware that is no good business sense, but how to apply the ever changing leading edge technology, to successfully convince other of your agenda!