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Option I is mass-attractive, Option II necessary for life-fulfillment...

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The Others are no desirable Measure Stick!

Motivation under Option I and Option II

This site was written in response to increasing campaigning to move people in the spirit of the time, and to the attempts for a New World order by heavyweights, such as investors Berggruen, Soros, Sawiri, and the WEF-gurus in search of common norms for their new reality while US-President Obama tries a new motivation for the nation - all final desperate attempts to save Option I as will be outlined here... 


As an introduction please watch the truly amazing video:

It explains recent scientific results on what motivates us effectively as far as the publically organized (Option I) science allows,

1) for %-mass-attractively regulated tasks; in this world, the effective motivators are in terms of content-free financial incentives. However, most people are dropped by the financial system. And so Mohamed Bouazizi, a Tunisian a jobless university graduate, who as a fruit vendor trying to care for his family, was deprived of his earning by the corrupt police. And so he burnt himself in public view to trigger a revolution against Tunisia's' dictator Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali and his platform for all sort of so-called leaders. In short, self-destructive humans trigger the destruction of self-destructively set-up mass-attractive collectives. Tunisia could thus become the spark that sets up Middle East rough states in flames - Bouazizi left alone a family forgotten by the media western world, which simply wishes for a renewed political magic, big business still relaxing in its framework which allows easy rip-offs for those in control of the money system up to waging another war (Israel-Iran) in business as usual - may-be this time, one to many...

2) and beyond, for complex tasks that require creativity, the motivators
    are the following opportunities for task-fulfillment...

2.1) ... in autonomy of %1-political correctness! This explains the reversal of the effect of mere financial incentives to the degree that it defies the Option I the world provides us with its theory X about what humans are supposed to be. Thereby the behavioral theory of economy and also politics is shown to be false where it really matters. More specifically, this proves that a real human being is in essence of his or her substance, open beyond any other-determinedness, up to Jesus Christ’s resurrection and his L3-impact on human history. For this purpose each human being has the §1-right to express his or her life even if its expression is not mass-attractive in terms of what communicates in a mass-attractive ways. Under Option I people are forced to have their §1-state of being corrupted to the zeitgeist! Typically you are §1-shut up with reference to the desired effect NOT YOU, but money can have and how that can be secured für §2-hiddenagendas in §0-sustainable ways to which you should have fake §3-integrity...

2.2) ... which require some mastery corresponding to one’s potential! This proves that a real human being is ended, e.g. purpose driven along "a red thread" in the sense, that he or she is intrinsically urged to fulfill a personally relevant task. Thereby each human being has a §2-right to pursue his or her purpose of life. However, in order to limit people's §1-expressing their innate §2-purpose, leftwing politics opts for more state in the name of personally-neutral justice. In order to prevent individuals from L3-Reframing the collective order in which the rightwing politicians thrive, they opt for less state, and more market, the content-free political magic to prevent personal L3-relevance, allowing to instrumentalize people's individual §2-propose for hidden agendas of peer groups, sprinkled with intellectual fairy dust, pretending to not think of self, but what is good for most. And so, those who thus "sacrifice" themselves, feel justified to sacrifice whoever is in their path to success, as the scribes had Jesus nailed to the cross to render him politically ineffective...

2.3) ... with a purpose related to life-fulfillment towards contributing to a better word, which proves that a real human being’s life is generative in a way, that can be understood by a principle in the course of fulfilling his or her respective tasks. And in thus growing and following it up with §3-personal integrity, a §0-sustainable way becomes apparent. This is necessary so a sufficient number of real people can succeed in making the world a better place than under the otherwise Option I, mono-politically evolving world of the %1-political correctness. The history of world I is seemingly based on %5-manipulative mutations (rhetoric, crimes, wars, revolutions which turn the world to ashes, out of which the phoenix of %1 resurrecting in the Emperor’s New Cloth is hoped for as the spirit of the time, the zeitgeist), and on %6-projecting hidden agendas trying to defy §1-§2-§3-§0 of real people. Under this spell of Option I people are poorly motivated to perform beyond theory X, but in return they *3-provoke social risks to defy the %-systems which intimidates them in trying to instrumentalize their purpose of life, ultimately all life on the planet itself. Hellas, the ideal systems is not the most mass-attractive one. And so the ingredient for political magic is presented as the the solution for the problem it is itself! Having opted for that path at the leading edge since the going to the Wild West, almost everybody in California, including the former Hollywood "Terminator" Arnold Schwarzenegger, are now unhappy, blaming each other in a broken cultural and political system for its failure. Similarly the 16. US-President Abraham Lincoln had to ultimately wage the American Civil War and, then blamed for its terrible outcome, was murdered after most of the wounded people made peace and completed it with his glorifying funeral...



2.4) In other words, real human beings ultimately strive for Option II, in a personally relevant way, corresponding to the open-ended generative principle that does justice to his or her innate life-through task-fulfillment! With its onset of §1-§2-§3-§0 people aim in their B1-belief towards a B2-breaking through Option I towards Option II, leading on to a worthwhile B3-path, which in B4-truth leads to B5-life-fulfillment. Therefore the answer is not delivering a "better" constitution to the people, e.g. a mass attractive way to succumb them to Option I, but to incorporate the understanding of real people in the Constitution to allow reframing society a as LifeFulfilling Platform under Option II as follows:

2.5) Only such a lifefulfillingly genuine life experience leads one to a justified H1-hope for an H2-order, beyond the worldly one under Option I, which allows us to H3-relate to tangible reality in such a way, that it leads to an H4-understanding of the underlying order that is not at man’s disposition; the corresponding laws by which reality changes, ranging from the laws of nature, up to the one that govern a real human being’s life, thus provide the best available role models for an H2-based in H4 Option II world. In other words, not say "California" is worth saving, but the mutual understanding of real people is worth promoting and being challenged beyond Option I based collectives, even of the so-called exemplary democracy of Switzerland! Democracy as such is simply a medium term more mass-attractive version of Option I than short-term "benevolent" dictatorships...

2.6) Naturally H4 is the necessary condition for any L1-loving engagement, which when fruitful say through a conception / conceptualizing a project, requires a sufficient L2-timely exchange of project-oriented competence (think what is required during a pregnancy), contrary to simple "best practices" in Option I based management. Will California be the place for the urgently required L3-turnaround from Option I to Option II? It has bred a sense of crises AND a receptiveness to change, and has a constitution that allows change through popular vote. Or will it be Switzerland with similar conditions? Anyway this issue is too serious to leave it to politicians just greedily riding the mass-attractive zeitgeist as the worthwhile spirit of the time for their hidden agendas. The final turnaround needs to happen by a sufficient number of real people §1-expressing themselves genuionely - a frightful concept for Option I left-wing intellectuals and those infected by them! Against it, they rather allow life on Earth to come to an end. And those on the right-wing side with the a view that sees the real world and in it capitalism as a game, the aim is to use its functions as a platform for business, and where its has failed at the flaws in the systems - searching for another magic as a solution to the problem it is, rather than allowing people's L3-state of being! And so they resort to promoting radical fiscal measures to tackle ballooning debts say in the bold initiative to change the way western politics and government run, say in the "Think Long Committee for California" headed by the homeless billionaire Nicolas Berggruen with former protagonists and heavyweights such as Condolezza Rice, former shadow of George W. Bush, or at the annual WEF in Davos Switzerland...



2.7) When the L2-tepoc-requirements reach undue limits by creeping around Option I mass-attractively multiplied boundary conditions, a L3-reframing to sufficiently restore Option II is mandatory! Otherwise tragedy evolves “in front of the door of heaven”, where according to the Bible, the Option I obsessed scribes / intellectuals supposedly lead people to, and then block them from a turnaround to Option II at any price! In fact L3, as above mentioned §1, is not mass-attractive in terms of what communicates in a mass-attractive ways. Under Option I people are forced to sacrifice in addition to the elementary §1-state of being, also their highest L3-state of being to the zeitgeist!

Consider Jesus Christ’s life and you find all these seven steps perfectly manifested. In John 14:12 Jesus challenges real people to follow him, do likewise and beyond; loving God and fellows like oneself – not making them alike by dividing them (disposing the essential, leaving the non-essential as the least common denominator and convincing the target group of this Option I – today using up-to-date technology on all levels from drugs to social media) in order to rule them!

2.8) To take this serious means putting an end to all bonus programs for top managers who suggest they need it to solve complex problems better. It is a fact, that for tasks that require highly skilled people and creativity, only a clear purpose and a vision with a goal of making the world a better place leads to sustainably desirable results. In essence that means working for setting up LifeFulfilling Platforms in tune with the participants oegp, supporting and challenging them, firstly oneself accordingly, towards mastery of one's innate task fulfillment with H4>L1-true life-fulfilling involvement.


In the end it comes down to motivating people to fulfill their innate purpose of life and by doing so, supporting the purpose of those concerned - for that is contained in each real human's being uncorrupted by Option I; beyond the limiting Option I world, in tune with the Option II based conscience toward! That requires, depending on the topic addressed the open-ended generative principles (oegp) of the 8 emotional and family roles, the 9 functions of any human system, the 16 social impact dimensions, the 144 input-internal state options of the 9 functions in the 16 social dimensions, up to 1728 oegp that also include the output or the call of real human beings. This contrasts with the mono-political madness of the Option I approach to aim for ONE way to deal with people about which in effect everybody has another opinion, the complex web of lies is then boiled down to the ever faster changing zeitgeist, the political correctness and the correspondingly more or less mass-attractive boundary conditions which are then attempted to be used to enforce a socially compatible human life style and channel the money flow from the mass to the "elite" so they can appear in the Emperor's New Cloth...

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