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Congratulation for your Intention to understand Option II


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Get Prepared to make up your Mind!


YOU have decided to understand Option II

Context of YOUR Process towards Option II

There are all sorts of minimal identities dealt with; being baptized, repenting sins, being a citizen, having money, a job and so on. History proves that such identities are no guarantee against falling for Option I. Though they can undeniably be meaningful and necessary in their way, none of them is sufficient for lifefulfillment What is sufficient for lifefulfillment must sufficiently relate to principle of lifefulfillment the specific person is, in an applicable way. To be successful in technology#1, it's the appropriate physics. In the humanities#2 the freedom based on possessions is portrayed as its that basics to define "humans" in their rights and duties, in art#0, it is attractivity. Admittedly, that is all nice to have and or to achieve, but its not sufficient, as the biographies of so-called successful and famous people show. Since a real human being like YOU, is neither just a (bio-)technology#1, nor simply a subject within humanity#2, or a piece of art#0, or any such "interdisciplinary" mix, organized science#1 - #2 -#0 cannot understand YOU. By its principle it limits itself to not addressing what is personally relevant! In order to maintain the exclusive Bm-cultivation of its limitation, organized science cannot come up with a sufficient identity for YOU, nor encourage anybody to do so! It would rather remain the prevailing politically correct knowledge work, than bother with your essence. But to do so, it has to coerce#1, instrumentalize#2, and or seduce#0 people in the known disastrous ways. That is the consequence of Option I ruling out a sufficient identity for life-fulfillment in the name of power, collectives, and the freedom for anything else to go instead of lifefulfillment. That leads to structural changes of the potentially lifefulfilling mind and its knowledge work with false meaning giving. That leads to degeneration of life as we know it, and about which the humanities have their discussions, and if all fails, diplomacy resorts to other means...


You have decided to no longer be part in contributing to cannibalizing the lifefulfillment of others, as perpetrator, or your own, as victim. Should you have second thoughts about this, you are free to take a rerun, or to quit at this stage. Do you feel you are already there, feel free to let me know your identity which allows you to implement your lifefulfillment. Would you agree that if a person, at this stage chickens out, he or she must be hit by something severe? Also apart from a physical reason, could it be something other than the mental empire of the spirit of the time, Option I, e.g. its representatives, are striking back in fear of being outdated by Option II like the members of the "Flat Earth Society"? In fact it is the bottom line of the true minimal identity, that real human beings with it withstand such strikes under Option I; it cannot be removed from them short of killing them - like they tried with Jesus Christ! But with it, the life energy can be channeled with Option II towards lifefulfillment in the corresponding task- fulfillment; however, only by its bearer! You can do better than having your lowest level impulses trap yourself, make you do another step at the abyss, and thus throw out the baby with the bathwater! This way you would miss YOUR life's opportunity on the basis of an inadequate prejudice; lifefulfillment gets lost where you argue about petty matters! Watch all the now alerted prejudices in your head, and all the philosophies from others; can you direct their potential energy in a desirable direction for good? Or can you at least postpone making decisions with them, until you are capable of a proper judgment about the desirable identity beyond, for example "Joe Blow, Manager with a BA in Business, citizen of the United States, signed up for religion X, married, father of two teenagers, non-smoker, interested in basketball, driving a sports car, home owner, speaking a bit of French ..."? Option I suggests the enhancement of such things until you get entangled in them. Surely in your vocation YOU are more than what the world has so far conditioned you to be in your job and with your opinions!

The fact is, there is a proven path for people with good will beyond Option I, specifically also for YOU, and opening you up for it, a set of questions, which when answered truthfully, lead to the identification of YOUR principle of lifefulfillment. Out of that follows YOUR, above generally introduced minimal identity in a lawful way which does justice to your potential for lifefulfillment. And that leads beyond Option I "Human Resource Management" with its wordy questions and word mighty, trendy philosophies!

[Are you ready?]

In the Option II world of Life-Fulfilling Platforms it doesn't matter at what time of the day and
where you turn your understanding into action; you get a just in time reply for you to proceed!