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Option I is mass-attractive, Option II necessary for life-fulfillment...

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Looking back is like looking ahead, just without future..

Great or Tuned-in Thinking?

The focus of the World Economic Forum 2011 was "From Risk to Opportunity: Building a Response to the New Reality" in the attempt to make people think about new norms (while before, they had to work their guts out and spill their blood for the new elite) after the attempts for a New World Order utterly failed on the battleground of the superpowers of all sorts. WEF boss Prof. Klaus Schwab talks of the global burnout, the participants as the main perpetrator celebrate each other in their mutual admiration societies, and the Swiss President 20111 Micheline Calmy-Rey speaks for detaching from the substance states have so far provided and failed, because they detached from the substance of real people. Such are the endeavor which make people love you! Participants at the WEF pay at least 10'000 $ to get in for that. However, if you really make people think, those obsessed with Option I hate you for hinting to their real motivation. So, great thinkers of all ages have so far avoided the topic of what real human systems innately are about. The result we have to face now of this ignorance is a pge-culture of wordy principles generating - now globally at an increasing speed up to online - unfulfilling ends. Marx set communism in action with more then a hundred million lives terribly wasted, Einstein release the principles of ultimate destruction, philosophy and psychology corrupted and traumatized brains like that of Alois Schickelgruber, politics puts itself above all laws without reference to any substance and is now out of control of the its own inner dynamic at the cost of lives and environment by cannibalizing every substance suitable to secure its thinking catastrophes, never mind the human catastrophe that provokes. 


In the Financial Times of Jan 25, 2011, just A DAY before the WEF opened in Davos Gideon Rachman asks: "Where have all the great thinkers gone?" Those he meant are of course all dead, so a more relevant question is, what was generated with all the principles to so-called great thinker of the past set in motion in the zeitgeist! They are without exception of the nature of ZG(?0>*3), e.g. riding the ZG=zeitgeist in terms of a ?0-phantasy that made a sufficient number of people multiply it with their political influence to form a mega-trend of some sort. That updated the %1-political correctness at the time, which in turn allowed new ways to %5-maipulated it, intellectually twisting it up to lawyers using intellectual loopholes to profit, and then politicians to %6-project a new ideology out of it and trying to establish it as the principle by which they can go on generating their ends based on hidden agendas. In 2011 the event that lead to the fall of Tunisia's Premier Minister Zine al-Abidine Ben Ali was a new wave of ZG(?0>*3) showing that the cycle of self-destructiveness of the Option I pge-cults is speeding up. If will become a constant threat to all mono-political kind of government and all those who seek for new norms (for norming people - in Australia they call them "Norm") for managing new realities - real or imagined. In fact the idea to manage reality with ideology is crazy; what modifies reality in a desirably and fulfilling way, are the relevant laws of nature by the meaning we give them; in your life, it is YOUR understanding of who you are and what that  entails and what meaning you assign to it. It is not as simple as "I think, therfore I am.." - the identity I wish for an design based on ?0-whishful thinking or +2/-4 greed as if each of us were God. To try to work it out like the snake in paradise, by a ZG-timely ?0-appearance that makes people *3-react in the desired way, considering them as empty containers in which the battle of marketing takes place, the philosophy a Mad-i-son Avenue Marketing and make it all %1-politically correct for them, thus allowing their %5-manipulation in great numbers, %6-projecting the superiority of the elite, is bound to pge-fail as it ever did through all ages! And that now increasingly globally and ultimately! In short, what appears a successful %1[ZG(?0>*3)] principle great in its %5-manipulative power to generate and %6-project, has its own unfulfilled end - in an unavoidably self-destructive way! At the end of the era of the "great" thinkers who have set this Option I in motions since the Antiquity, we are challenged to tune-in to Option II. In this context, also a day before the WEF 2011 opened, US-President's Barak Obama's desperate appeal in his state of the Union to motivate a de-motivated nation, sounds like the dead bed whisper of the last Mohican. This orchestrated trinity of Option I nonsense at the end of January 2011 is exemplified in
1 Corinthians 13:1-13:

If I speak in the tongues of men and angels, but have not love, I have become sounding brass or a tinkling symbol. And if I have prophecy and know all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. And if I dole out all my goods, and if I deliver my body that I may boast but have not love, nothing I am profited.

Love is (beyond ZG) long suffering, love is kind, it is not jealous (about ?0-appearance) , love does not boast, it is not inflated. It is not discourteous, it is not selfish, it is not (*3-reactively) irritable, it does not (%1-politically correct) enumerate the evil. It does not rejoice over the (%5-manipulated and %6-projected) wrong, but rejoices in the truth (at that which leads to life- through tuned-in task-fulfillment)

It covers all things (like the laws of nature in all space and time), it has faith for all things, it hopes in all things, it endures in all things. Love never falls in ruins; but whether prophecies, they will be abolished; or tongues, they will cease; or knowledge, it will be superseded (by the substance of life and its innate laws and divine guidance).

For we know (under the spell of Option I) in part and we prophecy in part. But when the perfect (under Option II) comes, the imperfect (the self-destructiveness of pge-Option I) will be superseded.

When I was an infant, I spoke as an infant, I reckoned as an infant; when I became an adult, I abolished the things of the infant. For now we see through a mirror in an enigma, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know as also I was fully known. But now remains faith, hope, love, these three;
but the greatest of these is love.

Almost all so-called "great" thinkers made themselves appear great by indicating to have some kind of principle to circumcise God's truth with man-made idolatry and manipulation. In the end, Charles Darwin confessed in view of the upcoming substance less Social Darwinism: "It seems to me that I have committed a crime!" Similarly when Albert Einstein realized where the mainstream physics and with it esoteric philosophy of ignorants of quantum physics went, he cried out in despair: "God does not throw dice!"


As a conclusion, desirable thinking is...

1) ... not aiming under Option I at appearing great with a principles that multiplies successfully as normative boundary conditions for a mono-politically organized Bm-society! Such a society thus puts itself above the personally relevant live- through task-fulfillment thus despising the real nature of God's creatures, above all real humans. Thus man has become the greatest enemy of man, and by making God appear dead (Nietzsche) those "great" thinkers tried to appear mighty in the eyes of the fearful and cowardly ones - such as when Peter denied Jesus when the cock cried three times to save himself from being mobbed to become the founding father of the biggest mobbing organization in history! It managed to globalize Roman imperial philosophy on the back of Christianity, misusing it as mere rhetoric for hidden agendas, thus becoming at least in some psycho-political approaches a role model for the most sinister ideologies, oligarchies and dictatorships up to our days...

2) ... tuned-in under Option II to the live- through task-fulfillment of participants and those concerned, e.g. loving others as self within the loveable order of things and life as God has created it for us. That requires understanding and implementing it on Lifefulfilling Platforms despite and in view of the prevailing habits of communications and forms of organization which under Option I must despise real human beings in science and its application, and in politics in order to maintain the pge-hoax. Thus under Option II the golden rule has to be overcome, that those who possess the gold, rule. Jesus said that those who serve all should rule! And what serves all? God's order and he himself through the Holy Spirit; specifically always in our reach, in technology, physics, in living together, the laws of life-fulfillment!


Option I %1[ZG(?0>*3)] contains humans in collectives with more or less wordy humanistic, political#2 principles to generate desired forms using art and design#0 (from pyramids to global events such as the WEF with thousands of Swiss militia at its service on the ground and in the air) to divide and rule people toward the end of boosting the number crunching economy with technology#1. For that purpose, above all the 31-leftwing socialism, reduce people's §1-right of expression to mere smart %5-manipulation, and the through 42-rightwing capitalism, the necessary L3-reframing to Social Darwinian of %6-projecting in the media, the democracy, and above all in the market place short of understanding each other and what really matters.

Option II promotes and challenges real humans to understand each other with open-ended generative principles that do justice to those concerned for life- through task-fulfillment in view of essentially desirable Life-Fulfilling-Platforms to overcome Option I based communication habits and mono-political organizational forms that otherwise pre-trans-trap humans by curtailing their §1-elementary, and their highest L3-state of being, the onset and the fulfilling of the inner motivation. From then on a human being can be shrunk to [G4-G5], and then crucified, or put on the stake. According to John 14:12 Jesus Christ overcame the Option I world and challenges us to do likewise and beyond. This is acknowledging that each human being is potentially open beyond Option I' ends to generate his or her live according to his or her innate principle of life- through task-fulfillment, e.g. Option II.


Applied Personal Science APSŪ provides the scientific background and has been made operational in life-practical ways for Option II minded people, e.g. with good will to acknowledge each human being's substance as an essential entity within reach of sufficient understanding.

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