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When YOU will soon Talk to me,
What Would YOU like to SAY about YOUR Option II?


YOU want to Learn to Understand the
two Basic Options, I and II
to Enhance Your Personal Think-System...


Content to Shed Light on the Turnaround

  1. Introduction
    In World II, the projected solution is to make at least a critical number of people truly understand each other to allow life through job fulfillment - sounds weird in World I, does it?

  2. The Context of LIFE-CITY’S Design and History
    1 Corinthians 13:1 about Love: "If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am only a resounding gong or a clanging cymbal." brings the challenge to be faced to the point...

  3. How Thinking Catastrophes burst into the final Human Catastrophes
    That is a truly sad and hurtful story from which we have all experienced enough so that we should have learnt...

  1. RD Retep Reiem laid the Basis for Option II and thus for Life-City
    In order to get down to the bottom line of human history, your need to reverse more than the letters of your name...

  2. The Four Laws of Life-Fulfilling Platforms, Q&A
    Let us begin with reframing Asimov's laws of robotics towards into the four Laws which enable Lifefulfillment...

  3. Human Catastrophe, the Self-Fulfilling Prophecy based on the Thinking Catastrophes of Option I Philosophy
    Then let us reframe the still prevailing paradigm I, still based on the Antique Philosophy of Communication Power and its wordy thinking, towards fulfilling the essential substance of personal life!

  4. The Desperate Turnaround after the Point of NO Return
    Everything has its day - beyond that, we have to learn the hard way. By demonstrating the grace that there is still a window for learning after disaster has struck, some people might make up their minds to learn the lesson before it hurts. And that for their own sake, and in order to get ready to help the hurt ones...

  5. The Ultimate Problem, the Pre-Trans-Trap
    Fata Morgan Evokers - Oasis Neglect and Pollution - Fighting over Fata Morganas - Global Mess and worse

  6. - trapping those who dare transcending political correctness like those who indulge in what precede it by committing crimes - crucifying what comes from God as a bigger threat that what is evil...
  7. The Problem’s Solution
    1 Corinthians 13:5 about Love: "Love is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs." ... But it requires sufficient understanding...

  8. Timely Exchange of Project-Oriented Competence with the Minimum Identity
    Basically people need to acquire the minimal identity that secures resilience to the temptation to sell their life-fulfillment short, even when the prevailing World I wants us to sell our soul in its name! And that explains the denigration of the basic nine functions of every human system unless enough people face the challenge of their life...

  9. The Turnaround History
    Hope - Hype - After the Point of NO Return - What has already been made possible with Option II - Beyond Pseudo-Democracy - The New Frontier - The Universal Healing Project - The Ultimate Problem to be solved in Time

  10. The Key to Peace
    What Pseudo-Science side-tracks from; Dealing with Option I Minds!
    Before you have understood that, it is pointless to go into details about the final chapters - you would not get it from what words can convey lacking that background, for it has to be lived through in an Option II mindset:

  11. The Mental Context

  12. The Actual Personal Turnaround

  13. Renewal From The Last Shore

  14. The Battle Order

  15. The Ultimate Answer

  16. The Ultimate Test

  17. The Actual Facing of the Ultimate Challenge

  18. The Final Personal 13th Step

  19. The Final Collective 13th Step



The above highlights our interactive Ebook project II about the transition from Option I to Option II mindsets: It does not leave the solutions to robots as the science fiction writer Isaac Asimov did, nor does it leave it to the prevailing multiplications (m) of opinions about boundary conditions (B). The context in this book is the ultimately imaginable confrontation which the few people who survived the end of our Option I world had to face in all sixteen dimensions of life, beyond the Bm-shadow to which Option I limits people. The story is based on thirty years of research into and with applied personal science, ignored and feared by the intellectual mainstream. Their spirit of their Bm-shadow time prides itself with words darkly on suppressing all Options II, just as Inquisition did in the dark ages of their rule. Do you have an idea how many lives were wasted to uphold the dark ages, how dark our age still is, and how much darker will it become without real people? Understand the challenge for you, and the opportunities that open up for you than! That is what it is all about if YOU make up your mind for Option II.


The fact is, people are born with an Option II formatted mind, to reframe Option I temptations before the point of NO return, and with it, your world. Watch a child  not yet intellectually corrupted! In our outdated mainstream mentality, Option I is socially conditioned from top to bottom of people so they have no other choice! To make it clear, the Option I enforced living conditions on Earth bred the greatest danger for lifefulfillment. Beware, Option I minds cannot comprehend the signs on the wall. What works in science fiction for Asimov's fans, that a robot redesigns the basic laws to regulate universalization in a sustainable way, does not work in real life for what is now globalized as dangerous nonsense. In short, Option I science is only of relevance for a non-personal, non-life-fulfilling context, and beyond it its story is short and sad: Option II is no option in the World I in which ONLY anything else is supposed to go, and that makes it self-destructive! Hopefully the transformation of mankind from Option I to Option II does not require the fulfillment of Option I; the ultimate global man-made destruction of planet Earth. Rather a celebration of fulfilled life is aimed for by building Life-Fulfilling Platforms for at least a critical number of people; not the old fake rituals! In the meantime, the Option I world does not stand still. Can we afford to go on trusting that the Americans keep it together and themselves out of mischief? Who shall do what is necessary in your world, if not YOU from NOW on, in a sufficient way?

IMPORTANT! Make notes for yourself and of the questions you have; you will be given opportunities to interact, or you may respond to the Email you will receive as a welcome to the Newsgroup “Options 4 Think-Systems”.

READY for Registration! At this stage of reframing your Option I mind, you are ready to decide about registering to understand your minimal identity. With it we can get individually specific to move your mindset from Option I to Option II. For that purpose you need to answer some questions and then be prepared to let go some world I money, so that both of us are free to get your travel to world II on the way in a win-win situation. Having your identity made sufficiently resilient to the temptations of falling back to Option I, you will be informed how to participate in an active way in the Global Mental Healing Project OI>II and become part of a Life-Fulfilling platform.

Click here for checking our offer: You will be prepared to answer the seven key questions of your life, so that you can definitely take off to Option II. Follow the suggested path, use links for your interests without getting side-tracked. Handle links consciously goal-oriented as a practice to do likewise in your life with suggestions. Close sites, which are no longer relevant. Why should you cling to a past beyond learning its lesson where it just traumatized your experience in your present life to inhibit a lifefulfilling future? Does it make sense to keep in Bm-line with the Option I spirit of the time and its political correctness, just in order to please those who are seduced by it? And this despite the fact, that those who have bought into Option I, cannot ever be satisfied with anything rather than overcoming their clinging with Option II? Can a smoker be satisfied beyond lung cancer with nicotine or any other drug beyond their side-effects? Can you solve problems with an Option I mind, when Option I is the mother of all problems? That is so by its principle to outcast even you as who YOU really are from being part of its supposed "solution", merely that which perpetuates the Bm-cult of mass-attractivity?

So the next step on your path towards Option II is to

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