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The whole world cries for Option II - knowingly or unknowingly

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However, words within Option I are not sufficient!


Read between the Signs on the Wall
where Option II waits
to be Acknowledged by YOU


Evolutionary Christianity

By Bruce Sanguin

We are facing a planetary crisis that is unparalleled in human history. There is overwhelming scientific evidence that we are at a tipping point. Species extinction is accelerating, global warming is melting the polar icecaps at a rate that exceeds all scientific predictions, and our air, water, and soil is rapidly becoming a toxic soup that is ending up in our own bodies. We have only a few years to reorient ourselves and avert a disaster from which there may be no return.

Decades of materialistic philosophy have served to void the cosmos of any sacred dimension resulting in an economic ideology that turns the natural world into a “resource” for human consumption. “What your people call natural resources, our people call kin”, a local indigenous chief told me at a recent workshop. The theological models we have employed in the church have lacked the power to counter that assumption that human beings alone are centers of meaning in an otherwise dead universe.

The good news is that there is an emerging groundswell of people who are awakening to a universe that is alive, purposeful, and unfolding in trajectory toward increased complexity, consciousness, and compassion. It is dawning on many of us that after 13.7 billion years, we are the presence of the evolutionary process that has become self-aware – and that while the beauty of the cosmos consists of its splendid diversity, there is no disconnection anywhere in the universe. We are concentrated amalgams of every organism, every biological process, and every cultural worldview that has preceded us. We are biologically and spiritually kin with all in the Kingdom of God. To be an ecological Christian in the 21st is to center oneself in this kinship as spiritual practice.

A deep theology of radical interconnectedness can help Christians to address our ecological crisis. When science is stripped of its materialistic bias, this is the universe it is revealing. Either God or Spirit is intimately involved in an evolving and profoundly coherent cosmos, (in which everything is everywhere), or God will cease to be relevant in the 21st century. Mystics in every religious tradition have intuited what Isaiah realized in his famous vision – that “the whole earth is filled with the glory of God”. We need an ecological theology that helps us to recover the spirituality of awe implicit in Isaiah’s vision. Awakening to the sacred dimension of creation breaks the spell of consumerism and provides us with the inner resources and collective will to imagine and enact an alternative way of living upon the planet – one that is fit for our children’s children.

I entirely agree with the above analysis, it adds to a long "evolutionary chain". It can be a further introduction to Option I, yet it remains stuck in itself! We urgently need more than an evolution within Option I; we need the transition to Option II - beyond evolutions of forms, towards a sufficient understanding of the basics of human life in terms of lifefulfillment and its implementation. And their is no intellectual, personally-neutral short-cut, a content-free technology (gen-, or neuronal manipulation up to cyborgs, up to global high tech networking), or a sufficiently sustainable man-made ideal. That kind of evolution, even with Christian rhetoric and however sophisticated, is non-essential, ultimately self-destructive...

Daniel Ellsberg with a 9Pm-(3p0):J-H2 Option I mind: As the Pentagon whistleblower he was "the most dangerous man" for the USA in the Vietnam war and contributed substantially to the fall of President Nixon: "The best thing, the best in this country can do, is to go to prison" - at his time as conscious objectors in the war which cost two million Vietnamese and 58'000 American lives. He proved how four American presidents (Eisenhower-Kennedy-Johnson-Nixon) lied about the cause and the progress of the Vietnam War, just as Georg W. Bush did it about 9/11 and the the Second Gulf War. The amazing thing is, it took him from 1954-69 to 03-understand what was really going on in the American politics - first as a marine military officer, then contributing to the decision to fully bomb North Vietnam, as an analyst under Defense Secretary McNamara - before he could make up his mind to 31-reframe American Politics. So subtle is Option I in people's mind...

A Bm-false Big Mental Bang Prophet: "Briefly, what I am proposing is that the psychology of the mature human being is an unfolding, emergent, oscillating, spiraling process, marked by progressive subordination of older, lower-order behavior systems to newer, higher-order systems as man’s existential problem change."

Harvard Professor Kenneth Rogoff: "We are in a situation, where we do not know, which economic-political answers work"; we are in a situation where economists, as a profession, cannot come out with firm answers while individuals relish the possibility of making a clever argument. The problem is that, if clever arguments can get you a Bm-publication in a good journal, they may also confuse the laymen and thereby Bm, including policymakers. And among others, the span of attention has been dramatically decreased in more and more brains. More democracy in science is not the solution, it is speeding up the vicious circle Option I has turned into a messy Bm, and new technologies do no longer have automatically an integrating effect on society; quite the opposite! In fact, the crisis of economy is a crisis of the science of economy, and that is the tangible tip of the iceberg of the crisis of how we deal with ideas!

Video form the Option I World: Greed is Good; it is right, greed works, it clarifies, cuts through and captures the evolutionary spirit. Greed in all of its forms, greed for life, for money, love knowledge, has marked the upward surge of humankind. And greed will save that malfunctioning cooperation of the USA...

What Professor Brian R. Myers in his book «The Cleanest Race» writes about North Korea's self-image, applies in just more subtle ways to any Bm-cult. It leads to state, and then global infantilism; it is just fatherly enough to seemingly secure society, meaning itself, but it actually is basically motherly with nourishing people symbolically. This bias has the advantage that people revolt less against mothers than fathers, and it overcomes the schizophrenic fascist and communist mind split between work-, and war-place on the outer side, and the kitchen table in privacy. Reason in terms of Option II is excluded, Bm permeated privacy through the media, and heads to minds, by the fear of the punishment that applies by being bullied if one does not go along competing in the Bm-spirit of the time for money by selling one's soul professionally...

US-President Barack Obama: "We have to acknowledge that the status quo has not work...!"

In 2010 40% of all people had no access to information relevant to make desirable decisions, 44% are under semi-free medias, and only 16% have access to so-called free media at the leading edge of Option I...

Here we also want to consider the meaning, not the sad Bm-history of Churches, of the Bible as one of the main, if not the main catalyzing forces in human his tory. How can intellectuals reasonably discount and distort this? Under Option I they obviously can, but you can make sense of it in your conscience! If it helps your required knowledge work, detached of what some so-called Christians and their Churches misused it. The relevant key passages to overcome the still prevailing Bm-cults are: Pslam 119:74, Proverbs 1:1-9, Markus 12:28-34 John 14:12; summed up in John 14:2 beyond the mono-static Bm-cult, towards the 16 multiple dimensions of lifefulfillment: "In my Father's house are many rooms; if it were not so, I would have told you. I am going there to prepare a place for you."


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