1st Son
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One eights of all people should provide justified hope...

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1S) *3(§3/L1) Opening up for what can be...

Being born into the Fa-Mo emotional tradition, set up by the father/king-types, and cultivated by the mother/queen-types, people are tempted to default to merely *3-reactive ego survival. Muammar al-Gaddafi went a step further and usurped the throne from King Idris in 1969 to become a ruthless and perfidious dictator. Supposedly he has amassed some 60'000 million dollars for his clan, bought among others a mercenary army to defend his power against his own people, and was supporting terrorism above all the bomb attack on Pan-American-Flight 103, 1988 over the Scottish town of Lockerbie, killing 259 innocent passengers. And so he could apply the three components of dictatorship: 1) a one party system, 2) a scapegoat (as for Hitler, the Jews), and 3) a repressive system with censorship, secret police, and torture ...

Rather than facing the challenge of how culture can succeed tradition to make sure, mankind has a future other than in a closed, thereby self-destructive culture, 1S are here to provide justified hope in towards life- through task-fulfillment:

This modern person, merely by appearance, could have anyone of the eight emotional roles. I would have to relate to her to find out for sure which one applies for her. However, I would guess she is a 2S. The above picture is amazing, for each family member represents the standard family stereotype. The father definitely sets the ZG, no question asked, the mother makes clear she insists to use her ?0-ideas so things are smooth for her; or else you get a least the looks! The 1S is the heir, no doubt. The 1D will go and wash the dishes after the photo shooting, going on supporting the family values in tangible ways. The 2S is already gone in his mind in search of an external alternative as tradesmen, soldier and so on. The 2D is concerned with her inner work beyond mother's ?0-stereotypes; she will go do her homework about it, whenever she can to shape up pushing for her issue. The 3S sees himself above tradition and alternative, expressing his sense of self, thriving on the motherly support system. And last but not least, the 3D flirts with the photographer to include him in her networking so she can afford to be a stupidity amplifier if needed to open up the family before the point of no return. Such was the glue that held society together in the past! Obviously the 3D is father's darling on the level of both feelings. The 2D thinks like father, the 2S perceives like father, both looking in the same direction - a truly amazing picture! But beware, the solution of our time lies no longer in going back to traditional arche-, and stereotypes! Due to the incredible 2S technological progress, we urgently need to make the corresponding inner, 2D-progress in understanding about individual human systems, the topic here addressed by me, emotionally, a 2D!

Thus the misfit 1S-emotional types is aspiring the M-maximum for himself in his m-tension, and defending it with all means even in his obvious failure, becoming G-guilty of murder who ever comes his way. His ideology thereby has a mass-attractive hopeful side, that all people have the same right for survival. The sinister side which Gadaffi exemplified 2011, that he, as the bearer of succession, has a bit more, e.g. princely prerogatives. This attracts and tempts people with the false hope for a return on investment into man-made, traditional Option I culture!


The fact is, in the last century, the influence and appearance of 1st Sons, such as 1S-Princes, the Austrian-Habsburg Empire, Japan, and outstandingly hopeful individuals such as Pope John Paul II, faded away and gave way to the Option I world, in which anything but lifefulfillment goes. This indicates the passing on of the Option I power from the *3-survival 1S, to a hopeful one, for which Pope John Paul II, triggered the fall of the unfatherly "Evil Empire" of the Soviet Union and its walls. Thus the buck was passed on to the 1D, +2 business greed for quantitative growth, lead by the now only remaining superpower, the USA. In 2011 Gadaffi, one of the last perverted 1S ruler, come again into the focus of 1D US-military strikes to remind everybody that the 1S stage is over just as the onset of the contraction indicate it to the fetus when the time to get out has come. But remember, every eighth human system, such as on a collective level remaining Austria and Japan, are 1S-figures. And so many a 1S has faded away into esoteric. This leave mothers, such as Switzerland in confusion as to their role in the world, and they too, have to begin to understand beyond their ?0-arche-, and stereotypes by which they allowed their kids to express themselves under her wings. Until that works for the whole family on LifeFulfilling Platforms, beyond %1 traditional, Option I political correctness, genuine hope is badly needed in our world! However, it has to be justified on the bases of understanding the relevant substantialities! As the 1S of God, Jesus Christ has taken the lead in that direction; certainly not for hierarchical churches misusing his message to globalize Greek philosophy and demo-crazy ideologies; with their, in lack of understanding, soothing ritualistic rhetoric in the way Jesus described the Pharisees...


Unjustified and unfair hope for the maximum of some at the expense of others in traditional society is testing the 1S-type's §3-integrity; Option I worldly loyal 1S turn to the ZG-sumptuous Fa-types such as dictatorial kings, with Option II, as a Creature of the Creator, specifically as a real human individual, to his or her oegp-principle of lifefulfillment. And that is where L1-love can come in! Simply liking a thing for its appearance, is traditional ZG-?0 idolatry, now cultivated by subject/objects philosophy with wordy denotations. In the end this Option I makes people sacrifice their on kind as scapegoats in a non-scientific, self-destructive collective as outlined above. However, love is directed by sufficiently understanding a human's being, in order to support his or her lifefulfillment. And that is what one should do as a basis with self, according to the two basic commandments in Mathew 22:37, by which Jesus Christ, with motherly care summed up the word of the loving God-Father to that end, with integrity towards him as his 1st Son, thus giving hope to all who believe in him, that they will be known, as they can understand about God's love...

[YOUR Path from Option I to Option II]
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