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One eight of all people try to set the tune of the zeitgeist...

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Fa) ZG(§1/L3) Opening for Temptation/Fulfillment

The result of the mono-political madness manifests as the ZG-zeitgeist, the "spirit" of the time. In order to go on "being", the ZG is permanently self-destructive; the opposite of life thriving to fulfill the purpose of its bearer! The ZG-"priests" therefore hope and pray that the ZG will rise time and again as in their Option I founding myth of the 'phoenix rising out of its ashes". Responsible father-figures above all God, the Creator, deliver us from that evil...

The pseudo-scientists try to explain everything up to life, usually except theirs, as an evolution out of an initial big bang out of nothing, as does e.g. the bestseller, lame physicist Stephen Hawkins, from the oscillation of the vacuum. This is of course nonsense evoking the cultivated thinking catastrophe, such as the well-know social Darwinian human catastrophes, possibly triggered by the famous butterfly in the Amazon. This is subsumed as OPTION I by which politicians aim at mass-emotions evoked by denotational language made mass-attractive by ancient philosophers. Under this Option I some people can rule their kind under the mono-political madness by which humanity has so far evolved to the biggest threat for human lifefulfillment making everybody equal by some pretending to be more equal up to God's representatives on Earth. Thus "fathers" degenerate into patriarchs up to dictators and worse, to the source of all evil, nihilistic philosophers, the teachers of intellectuals, who under the spell of the former transform their thinking catastrophes down to politicians and managers to enact human catastrophes, now global crisis and worse. In view of all this, God forbad Adam and Eve to eat from the tree of knowledge free from one's own conscience in the name of so-called objectivity which culminates in insubstantial godlessness, materialism, communism, "anything goes". Lacking to understand that people fall for the ZG-temptation to default in a mass-psychosis as a collective, we now have to ultimately learn it the hard way. This highlights the importance of the introduced requirement for scientists, conscience:



People with Fa-emotions, tempted to set the ZG, thus have the potential to become saviors from the hellish quality of the zeitgeist by consciously going along with their sense of conscience which alarms them at the ultimate threat of self-destructive structure which threaten "their" people. In terms of their emotional cycle of m-tension, A-ager, G-guilt, X-substance, this makes them take the respons-ability to §1-express the elementary reality of the non-substantial reality as IS, the self-destructiveness of the ZG. The reason is, that the Fa-types experience their m-A-G-X emotional cycle all in the social impact dimension of their X-being. If they do not get stuck in their position power like Herodias, Pilate, or Goethe's Dr. Faust, they know the consequences of giving in to their self-made ZG; lies, having to terrorize real people as Gadaffi did it 2011, rise to the top of one's own incompetence, to fall to the bottom according to the Peter Principle, just like Satan away from God with those his snake managed to seduce into Option I. Therefore the Bible begins with this lesson...


By setting limits to the ZG, the Fa-type people can initiate an essential L3-reframing away from the ZG in terms of their family, tribe, team, organization, institution, state towards what SHOULD BE. In the outer world that began with building hats, and went up to a global level such as when Michael Gorbatschow reframed the "evil empire" of the defunct Soviet Union with the concepts of perestroika (L3-reframing) and glasnost (§1-transparencey). In the inner world it begins when a mother comes home with a new born baby which requires reorganizing the household. In our culture it usually ends in the ZG when somebody comes up with a new hint such as when the three wise kings indicated to the Jewish puppet king under the Romans, Herodias, that a new king for Israel was born. What follows from an "unfatherly" attitude of ruling the ZG is the refusal of any substance to be considered beyond one's ego, based on hating everything else! In case of Herodias it went to mass-murdering all newborn boys in fear of a competitor - the bones of a few thousand baby bones have been found in our time! This contrast with God, who loves it all for it is his Creation, and he therefore §1-expresses to us its nature for our benefit by L3-reframing every detached human systems back to the relevant substantialities. In the Age of Enlightenment, the west made an effort to at least do justice to the law of nature with the resulting incredible success in technology beyond magic trickery and alchemistry. Imagine the possibilities by equally taking the laws of individual serious with science#3 beyond rhetoric as according to the Bible, God-father proclaimed by his only Son, motherly Jesus Christ, challenges us to do beyond just "succumbing Earth".


Do not remain tempted to interpret the above as a religious attempt! Be aware that every eighth human being is challenged to be §1/L3-responsible for his or her Fa/ZG-emotions as outlined above! Imaging what happens at work with Herodias-type managers! Having at least got the news about the man-made nuclear disaster in Japan should make the point! Please read the Bible in this light! What I am exemplifying here are the well researched and proven laws of individual human being! Based on them, I personally began to see the Bible in a new, the Old Testament in a fatherly, the New Testament in a motherly light which makes timeless sense as a trigger to dig deeper. Have you ever heard a church minister/priest mentioning this, referring to John 14:12. That is the passage which clearly separates hypocritical priest misusing the Bible for Option I rhetoric and ruling philosophy disguised as theology form real human beings with an Option II conscience! 

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Shakespeare highlights the Fa-fgure's trap in "King Oedipus" [10 min.] in a way which has turned out
the role model for Option I civilization: