Getting practical by Differentiation
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Everybody has a response-ability in terms of his or her emotions

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Getting practical by Differentiation


With conscience about what is in terms of what should be, science is here to work out the one path for each human being, beyond the multitude of temptations for "anything goes" by imagined magic, that in truth leads to lifefulfillment. The underlying attitude is one free from temptations, free to fulfill one's being in and with one's life, and contribute to the same of people of good will for it. Thus proper science is there to deliver us from evil before the point of no return to hell into which the myth of freedom as such misleads us. Having seen what has happened in Japan 2011, actually just after the draft for this site at the end of my study in Florida, nobody should ridicule the above anymore! In traditional terms, "evil" is the absence of understanding the relevant substantialities (H4), e.g. in an atomic power station, and similarly in relating to each other, it goes beyond mono-political madness such as under madmen like dictator Gadaffi; egoistic greedy managers, and non-scientific intellectuals and politicians implementing their thinking catastrophes. The human catastrophes that follow from non-substantial thinking catastrophes, are traditionally referred to as "hell"! OK? If not, please reread and interact with the author to overcome prejudice and misunderstandings!



Assume you are a nuclear reactor with three rods, (1) of conscience, (2) with sensitivity for what is, and (3) a sense for what should be. If these three rods get too close together, they form an opinion, and that heats up in emotions unless it is cooled down with facts about reality and understanding the relevant substantialities, e.g. with proper science. In an atomic reactor the same principles applies, and both cause cancer when out of control! The solution to overheating is to take the rods with their radioactive material apart to stop any chain reaction, cooling is treating the symptoms and gives rise to opinions! And that was how the non-scientists dealt with the nuclear disaster in Japan! The problem was not physics, nor proper physicists, but their managers, above them politicians, and whispering behind them, intellectuals, who imposed mass-attractive boundary conditions (Bm) on the application of physics and people executing the remaining technology with. And that is what the media live on; opinions about inhibition of lifefulfillment and unfulfilled death, instead of pointing out the innate laws of substantiality such as that of nature, life, and individual lives. But let us face it, in the Bm-world of Opinion I, having to understand how to consider something which is not open for opinionating, is not considered mass-attractive even if it prevents thinking catastrophes! But then we have to bear the consequences as human catastrophes; falsely described as "accidents", or "destiny"...


Just before the Japanese nuclear disaster, the purpose of science has been fundamentally worked out in a operational way to envisage Lifefulfilling Platforms. And that for the purpose of overcoming the still prevailing habits of communication and the corresponding forms of organizations despising real human beings in their essence. The latter, non-human Option I is driven by the Bm-mono-political madness. In order to get practical, the above defined three requirements have to be differentiated in terms of the eight basic emotional energies humans have individually available. They are based on the individual's essencial direction for  lifefulfillment. Employing these basic e-motions, humans can assess and activate change as individual expert- or support-systems for lifefulfillment. This is encapsulated by the traditional family model, say in the wisdom of fairy tales, by the male experts, Father, 1st, 2nd and 3rd son, and the female support systems of Mother, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd daughter. In real life these eight emotional roles are equally distributed in society, independent of sex and roles in actual families. However, the social prejudices often push real human beings into the stereotypes of those eight traditional family roles with all the misunderstanding and suffering it causes. Assume that in a relationship, a man is emotionally speaking a "3rd Daughter" and a woman is a "3rd Son" while her son is a "Father". Seeking his role in society, in his adolescence a older Fa-role model could introduce him to homosexuality. Of course in our seemingly tolerant ZG-spirit of the time this is explained genetically to make all expressions of life equal. However if understanding under Option II prevails, this family set up would not cause such dramatizations and would work fine. If not, as we know, I from partner and family therapy, prejudice ruins the relationships in weird behaviors up to the weakest link to human catastrophes, to run amok even to the point of cases like that of Alois Schickelgruber, alias Hitler, and worse...


Without a critical number of real people being response-able for their personal e-motions in terms of proper science, society evolves along the eight temptations of the basic possible e-motions as follows towards mono-political madness:

Fa) Traditionally the Father-figure sets the ZG-Zeitgeist in collectives (families, as king in a culture) with his position power in terms of the prevailing forms of expression. Thus in a temptation ridden collective people's destiny depend on the Fa-figure and the boundaries he sets, such as Muammar Muhammad al-Gaddafi, the North Korean "beloved leader", a Mafia boss, or a patriarch. And now, it's the media, stupid, that set the ZG for the now globalized mentality spreading the same personally-neutral Option I Bm-prejudice about human systems all over the world. Fa-figures are either driven by intellectuality/spirituality (Italy, France, Islamists also feminists), or by attempts to integrate people like cells in a body, or being a disturbance like organelles such as a bacteria in a cell (Cyprus, each part of that torn apart island being attached to either Greece and Turkey), or a stress/sickness in a body (Russia). Check the background for these well researched indications of how the eight social roles interact with the environment as the known life forms do...

  • Religion and Philosophy soften the ZG-power of the Fa-figures to give Mother a chance to provide people with a repertoire to express and help themselves...

Mo) Traditionally the Mother-figure revives the possibilities within the limited and limiting Fa-boundaries with providing content for the thus established forms with her ?0-illusions and fantasies about living together and about how to survive. Mo-figures interact with the environment like wise wizards, or viruses, e.g. eggs losing to the top sperm, or healthy bodies (Switzerland), or weak organs (such a Christianity playing an insignificant role in every-day politics) e.g. those not critical for immediate survival, but usually on hold, for special functions such as sexual organs...

  • Psychology sets the norm for peaceful living and identifies what is bad for people as a basis for reward and punishment, and medicine which went beyond unmotherly ?0-irrationality and witchcraft, so there can be a 1S-hopeful succession...

1S) Traditionally the 1st Son-figure gives hopeful meaning to the established formal-content tradition to secure his *3-reactive survival for succession of traditional power within its hierarchies. So far we have the ingredients for philosophy, form, content, and meaning, expressed in denotational words, conveying generalizations by which people can be divided in order to be ruled just like the rods in a nuclear reactor. 1S-figures interact usefully (Japan, Austria) like organelles, say chlorophyll, or like smart organs, old, or young bodies. Thus traditional westerns society could cultivate the founding Greek Option I philosophy over the ages on the back of Christianity via theology, until the age of Enlightenment, putting the collective over the individual and if necessary sacrificing the latter for the former to the point world wars, industrial genocide, environmental destruction, extinctions of life forms and worse, cannibalizing life and its substantiality. In the USA today, a lot of people smile at you in a way which unconsciously conveys: "I am proud to be a slave..." in order to keep their miserable jobs after having outsourced fulfilling ones to gaining the fast Dollar...

  • Rational law separates good from evil to contain *3-ego maniacs and criminals and thereby to protect the traditional 1D-value system ...

1D) Traditionally, the 1st Daughter-figure values tradition in order to get +2 more of the same within tradition itself, at the expense of the less convinced and eager ones. In this greedy spirit the US-Americans pushed west, cannibalizing the available resources driven by the desire to escape from earlier poverty, and by greed expressed by money, serving Mammon, thus emancipating from God, e.g. the substantiality created by him, and above all in the process, selling their souls. Then they could propagate sin (slavery, colonialism, capitalism) in a mass-attractive way (Madison Avenue Marketing - the famous Marlboro add men died of lung cancer) with the "god" of 'good' business sense. Then they had to endure the resulting hell civil war. But instead of learning the lesson from the hard way, they transformed Option I to virtuality via the American dream up to the present bubble economy. Obviously at this state with the US as the remaining super power, we are like a fetus at the onset of birth, getting clear cut signals from the contracting womb (knives in the attached picture), that the old way of Option I life is over, such experiences as Japan got in 2011 from earthquake, tsunami and man-made nuclear disaster. 1D-figures try to interact like Fa-figures by valuing the father principle. Thus above all Americans act like cells integrated in the US-body. And that body above all as "superpower", is triggering the thinking disasters into global human disasters with its wars that each President seems to need for a 2nd term, and with its pollution and cancerous infra-structure, but also reaching beyond to wasting resources for star war strategies, to outer space in the vain hope of expanding its Option I cult having raped people and the planet.

  • Paradigms and simplifying Ideologies are used to provide a safeguard for a non-sustainable economy, even to the point of building concrete walls such as the  'Iron Curtain' as a defense against a the more successful capotalist +2 greedy enemy aiming at dispossessing people or unduly redistributing their possession in order to allow a 2S-return on investment...

2S) traditionally the 2nd Son-figure has no place in tradition so he has to figure out an alternative in view of all the -4 stress that he perceives and must otherwise bear in the traditional Option I society as the one who is not perceived as the successor like his elder 1S-brother. The prime example of this is Germany in the European history, especially after its first attempt to break out in World War I, and as a  consequence of the suppressing Versailles treaty, this 2S culture seemed to have no other alternative than to wage another World War with superior technology, the alternative to traditional power. But then once more, the "Empire" this time under the leadership of the 1D-USA, struck back to re-establish the old Option I order against which the Nazis had nothing more mass-attractive to offer. And further, after Japan was smashed by two US atom bombs to end World War II, it had to endure in 2011, as an otherwise hopeful 1S, impersonally making useful consumer goods, another, now self-made nuclear disaster to remind all of us that it is time to be reborn instead of further ruining planet Earth. In its aftermath, we find ourselves with all the technological alternatives in a frustrated 2S-age, where most people have a question mark in their heads as to their future. And that above all in the USA, which even at the abyss seems to have no alternative than to move ahead, into the next self-induced global bubble. 2S-figures interact like winning virus, e.g. competing sperms, or isolated cells to make an impressive point, or strong organs such as the digestive tract (productive Germany), or young, daring bodies.

  • Technology is provided to enhance man-made systems in terms of strengths, speed, and distribution to supposedly deliver people from -4 evil and allow 2D-innovation...

2D) The 2nd Daughter-figure thinks, being externally pushed outside the %1-politically correct main stream cults, about alternatives beyond the tangible coercion of the 1D, which in itself is a dead end like a concentration camp. Since managing technology depends on the boundary conditions, the 2D pushes people to open-up their internal closed system thinking as I do it here, beyond Option I towards Option II. After the holocaust, the Jewish survivors thus broke out from the European Option I cults and migrated to their promised land. However, unable to understand, apply and sustain Option II, they have meanwhile walled themselves in, in fear of Arab terrorism, thus becoming mentally and politically thrown back to their Option I temptation. And so the Old Testament repeats and the Israelis live less in the hope for the Messiah, than in the vain hope, that the Arabs may be more self-destructive than Israel itself, and are busy with their own attempts to break out from their closed-ruling-systems. Thus the Middle East has become the focal point of many of the unresolved human thinking catastrophes throughout history, rather than the possible Jerusalem Platform. The bottleneck is science#3 as outlined above and that goes beyond the thinking of mainstream intellectuals. Hitler tried, and similarly the communists, to get rid of the non-substantially deconstructive intellectuals, and threw out the baby with the bathwater with his primitive Option I ideology, which just created another cast of intellectuals, the cruel SS. Since then any attempt in that direction is blocked, since killing even evil people is not really the solution. However the Americans, with  the extensive use of death sentence and war against terror, the Chinese and other dictatorships still play with the idea and thus just speed up their own decay, rendering themselves impotent to open up for the solution under Option II. While decreasing the number of soldiers, the west has increased the number of spin doctors to maintain its demo-crazy Option I system of mono-political madness on the mental level, thus killing Option II ideas at their onset and wasting opportunities in their now global economic bubbles. 2D-figures interact with the same options as 2S use to interact, such as Israel, like a strong organ like the brain. After all, Israel's Old Testament is the basis for western culture. Also it has made Israel a special case of mainly outcasts within the global family, and Jews are predominately present in the world of commerce, finance, art and science up to rumors of conspiracies...

  • Publically organized Bm-science is intended to maintain rationality beyond mere %1-opinionating to allow knowledge and know-how to allow 3D-initiatives at new frontiers...

3S) The 3rd Son-figure sets himself above tradition expressing his identity and self-realization with useful, or smart, or old-altruistic, or young-daring, with the same options as the 1S, but %5-maipulating %1-political correctness. He is thus in a position to take the initiative for new trends, such as after 1968 the hippie and esoteric movement, recently for new financial instruments, hedge funds, private equity and so on. In itself this suggests progress also within Option I closed systems, and that is what is deceiving beyond the point of no return!

  • Politics is supposed to contain undue %5-manipulation of minorities over the the top of the majority to allow 3D-networking towards synergy...

3D) The 3rd Daughter-figure has to take what is left in the emotional family and that is networking based on her feeling with appealing and attractive %6-projections. Doing so, she can end up as a stupidity amplifier, the one who lets the skeletons out of the closet 3D-figures interact with the same options as Mo, say England as an old wise lady, suspicious of others, as an Albion to be watched like a cheeky little girl, a titch - inviting her misuse beyond what she can bear, having to give in, yet maintain her health, though weak.

  • The media are supposed to inform people - so far within Option I - about desirable and detestable %6-projections, and opinions about deeds and facts in order to allow people to vote for the desirable leaders in the Emperor's New Clothes, and with their feet, in the market place towards a better ZG-future...

This is the Option I world basically unchanged since Antiquity, despite the incredible technological progress! The way out of Option I requires a critical number of real people to take responsibility for their type of emotional structure. This means giving up the mono-political madness that we should all be treated in terms of the same rights and duties. In business it is understood that the key for success is a unique selling point based on core competence. Similarly Option II 2D-challenges people to understand their specific law of lifefulfillment and fulfill their lives with it, in personally-relevant ways, e.g. individually at least specific as Fa-Mo-1S-1D / 2S-2D-3D-3D. Only this way can so humanity become continuously reborn as indicated with the above pictures. However, when we get stuck in the above mentioned 2S-phase of having lost paradise, not knowing how to avoid an abortion (through self induced disaster, 'extraterrestrials', 'universal intelligence', devils, angels, gods), hell turns loose, the man-made self-destruction of all life on Earth or on an individual level, simply the end of an unfulfilled life.

So please begin with how the Fa-figure needs to overcome his temptation, then work through all the other family members until your emotions hit you with your challenge and then beyond to 3D-networking about what works for you! Interact with the author to find out your law of lifefulfillment...

[YOUR Path from Option I to Option II]
[Nach oben] [Father] [Mother] [1st Son] [1st Daughter] [2nd Son] [2nd Daughter] [3rd Son] [3rd Daughter]

Henry Fonda's excellent film "The 12 Angry Men" [51 minutes] demonstrates how Option I
temptations can be overcome by an Option II mind! When I show it before a workshops,
such attempts are significantly reduced for people have seen what will be exposed: