2nd Son
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The ultimate solution is NOT technology!

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2S) -4(G1/H3) *(Allowing) Relating to Reality

Imagine having to try to m-focus on the v-value of the prevailing %1-political correctness in order to be able to A-enforce what you p-perceive with a Mo-motherly caring ?0-vison. And when becoming G-guilty of lacking success, you would have to %6-project an c-image to save your skin. Being stuck n the 1D-value systems, now set by the USA, the 2S-emotion seeks the external alternative to staying in the rat race. Using this alternative, among others, Henry Ford with his cars, was a 2S seeking something better; better transportation than with horses. While all the latter's shit and carcasses  have long been recycled into the environment, Henry Ford's type of pollution takes at least a 150 years to pose no threat to life , not to mention nuclear waste with half-life time of up to millions of years, such as what people around Chernobyl and Fukushima have to cope with for at least a thousand years now. In short, under Option I, the 2S remains, as a loser, an outcast, just like handy men, inventors, mercenaries or those technicians who risk their health to contain reactors out of control to save their world from the blunder of traditional Fa-Mo-1S-1D management. For them 2S are a nuisance to established hierarchies and are only called upon when everything else fails. And of course their initiatives are not welcome, even when they are innovative say in terms of alternative energies, which when implemented would shake the +2 oily empire of the USA, which is still in search of what spills  forever. So rather than going along with the 1D-valued self-destructive closed systems, such as building nuclear power plants on fault lines, near tsunami prone coasts and leave it to a mafia-type, corrupt and greedy management and a government in its shadow, 2S are bound to come up with external, technological alternatives which run with or without the traditional opinions and power struggle. But as we know, the Bm-Empire strikes back and incorporates innovations under its greedy Option I values systemic. Thus Einstein's theory was not accepted until it could be turned into bombs and seemingly free energy. The English nobility sabotaged George Stevenson in building the first railway line where they could, up to murder attempts, until they could incorporate his work into their greedy business interests within their hierarchies. And in view of that the technical and financial problems, Stevenson and his men worked to death for their project to make the transport of coal to the coast more efficient, while the Lords enjoyed their mansions and ladies...


It took humanity quite some time until the 2S-emotionals power could create today's global infrastructure with its innate dynamic going beyond traditional hierarchies. But then it took off really fast, within a life-time, the world's nature was changed forever! Up to then, the 2S had to work out the -4 unpleasant consequences of value-cemented tradition with which half of the eight possible basic emotional energies tried to create "god-like" man-made power systems.

The Old Testament, in Daniel,  Chapter II ,foreshadows the failing empires up to the present US-Oil-Empire in  Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream. So up to the onset of science based technology, 2S could only act out alternatives by hand as handworkers, tradesmen, or soldiers or priests, to challenge the nobility from outside their greedy and  fierce power structures. The ultimate 2S-business under Option I is building sarcophagus over failed nuclear power stations; first in Chernobyl, and with Fukushima it has become a future business. It is like with Gadaffi, the present powers armed him first, and then waged war to get rid of his assets. In Europe, above all in the lately formed Germany, the 2S-emotion pushed ahead beyond tradition in the Reformation, very successfully in the war against France 1871, with more advanced weapons, after World War II after the Nazi blunder, with the post war Economic Wonder. It began with Martin Luther, who fought for the alternative B1-belief in dealing with the tangible H3-reality of life beyond being -4 sucked further by Rome's greedy illusions, suppressed by the nobility with its inherited position power over which the Pope assumed definition power with his Inquisition - which is under another name still active, more intellectually than with torture tools, in tune with the evil spirit of the time for which it pretends to be the ONLY solution. After all

M / O = Stress < DEATH;
M=manipulative know-how (requiring seemingly free Energy)
O=orientation knowledge (such as limits like c=speed of light
This formula corresponds to Einstein's E=mc
2 where m=matter of the "wrong" kind (radioactive material), in the wrong place (outside a burst reactor), causes stress and worse, e.g. up to death, the upper limit of personal stress...

When I was in the USA in 2011, the -4 uneasiness of the Americans about their future was expressed by most people in some way or another, and then the Japanese disaster hit. Some tried outer alternatives within the American dream, most dragged on hoping for better days. Here is the real life example of a business man, a 3S-emotional type (with a 2S-feeling), with a full life of experience in %5-manipulating the %1-political correctness both in the US-army in Vietnam, and in big business. He thus made a career enabling him to make a business of his idea to turn waste into money. It began when he saw how cooking oil was dumped and polluted nature. He came up with the idea of refining it back into biodiesel. It sounded like a brilliant idea whose time had come in view of the coming oil shortage and prices soaring. The US-government even backed  it with enough subsidies for a viable business plan. A value creating investment company rode the trend, financed the necessary equipment to turn the operation on, to prove the point. They made more money than the business man, let alone the engineers who worked it all out with 2S-emotions, by selling shares up to 250% of what they paid the business man for. However, the seeming investment company was in fact a scam operation in the twilight zones of the laws in different countries. It looked quite successful up to 2008. However, by becoming more and more entangled in satisfying all the 1D-US-value system of going public, our business men lost sight of the monkey business of his manager, and of the investment company. But he did manage to go public.



Then the 2008 financial crisis hit the market, subsidies went, the investment company disappeared with its profit, leaving the shareholders alone, most restaurants which delivered the oil for refinement went broke, customers stopped paying the bills, company money turned out to be mismanaged, liquidity went down the drain, bankruptcy vultures picked out the best pieces such as the prime location land the business men owned to set up the refinery. After almost all was lost, in 2011 the business man's 17 year old son, a 1D, reckoned that the way out would be to acquire some more investors beyond the 350 existing one's to which his father feels obliged. And this with an attitude as if +2 more of the same, as necessary as it appears, would do the trick once again, though in itself that clearly is not sufficient to get back on track without a rerun of the past management failures. Along this line are above all the mainstream US-thinking catastrophes of the business and finance "industry", obsessed under the +2 oily Option I! And that has been thoroughly engrained into people's minds, now globally, from generation to generation: Thus the 1D-cult tries to divide and rule, and ride on the 2S-innovations under the traditional rule of the Fa, cultivated by the Mo, embellished by the hopeful 1S. And this messes up the 2nd Sons, who in the shadow of the 1st Sons, have nothing to inherit, and that that frustrates them. That forces them to seek their way with their own hands, now amplified by technology - so far usually misused by 1D-values, such as did Hitler with the despised German 2S so-called Fritz-mentality in hatred for the 2D-Jews just as in the Cinderella fairy tale where the 1D hated the 2D Cinderella. Thus more than 50 millions lives were wasted in WWII, and not just tortured feet to fit into the zeitgeist's shoes for a princess to outcompete Cinderella in the end in vain...



And so the value of the US-oily empire once more closed its system onto itself against a good idea meant to overcome it in a §0-sustainable way based on H4-substanciality and common sense. However, such 1D-pre-trans-trapping power games have now left the US with an urban infra-structure that remains critically dependent  on cars, and thereby on oil which in the end finances terrorism, causes pollution and desperation, which promotes social unrest and drug trafficking. The business to infotain it all still blooms. Drugs, now selling at a higher value than weapons have meanwhile turned out to be far more successful businesses than dealing with oil in a reasonable, let alone sustainable way. As the late King Idris of Libya said: "Water makes people work, oil makes them dream!" But meanwhile the oily waste products now +2 spill into the oceans (BP) and into the environment, and the greed for it provokes wars, China and India are lurking in the background wanting to  catch up. Wishing for oil, rather than water, the money oil promises, 1S-Colonel Gadaffi usurped the Libyan throne in 1956. In his +2 greed, Gadaffi managed to have  some 50 billion dollars per year at his disposition - until the revolt against him in 2011! Now most of his assets  and part of the Libyan infra-structure and production capability is destroyed for years to come. Up to then Gadaffi was obviously more in tune with the Option I spirit of the time than King Idris's wisdom. And enwrapped in it, Gadaffi even got away with enacting terror for a while - just like our intellectuals on a mental level. At the same time the Fa-culture of China seems to get to the turnaround in the other, more desirable way by promoting densely populated  cities and concentrations of business infrastructure to allow less oily, more efficient transport systems - hopefully to avoid the curse of oil in conjunction with the Option I world, which by now has ruined so many cultures and nature


Thus the 2S-emotion challenges us to consider our own duty to overcome -4 undesirable developments about which the Americans still think they can chicken out with their value of "freedom for anything that goes"; for the price of having to send their soldiers to fight for such demo-crazy values. But otherwise the USA lets the rest of the world pay for its bubble economy. The Americans made it to the moon, but their toilets are still inadequately designed not to speak of their public transport system. In fear of not fitting into the prevailing cell mentality and fail with it thus lacking support from others, analysis is lacking and too many of the pre-trans-trapped US-cell people have thus lost the willingness to follow ideas up further than having  opinions about them. American Intellectuals, seeing themselves at the leading edge, still stress the right to have a different opinion, but warn against insisting on one's perception of reality so their Option I virtuality prevails. Just think how useless that makes communication! In the right-wing political fashion people consider themselves still free to §1-express themselves - though only with opinions , e.g. as long as you do not expect anybody to follow up with any L3-reframing of their minds based on your hints. And so in 1912, the Titanic, a marvel of 2S-technology at the time, 1D-mismanaged just like in Fukushima, sank! Although this attitude has won over the left-wing approach of communism, insisting on changing everything about capitalism in a collective way, and to that end allowing nobody to speak up beyond the party line, and in fact justifying every kind of mass murder. In this now globalized, non-substantial context, the 2S-emotional people, with which in two desperate world wars, Germany tried to break out as a new "Reich" (empire), are still struggling to find their place in the world; ecology in the economy, logic in psycho-politics, innovation in capitalism, ultimately, as real human beings in their world, now at least with the onset of individual medicine based on diagnostic; not yet on understanding, beware!

In short, the 2S-external alternative can only gain its deserved meaning in society, where the inner alternative of the 2nd Daughter achieves a reframing a critical number of real people's mind with Option II. Technology, as necessary and perfect as it might be, like advanced nuclear reactors and other high tech, in itself, cannot be any sufficient solution in terms of lifefulfillment beyond the closed traditions!

[YOUR Path from Option I to Option II]
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