It is Time for the Decision you Life...

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Step 3: Walk the Talk!


YOU have Learnt to Understand Option I,
and the Importance of Option II;
Now You Should Chose once and for all...


Option II>I and I>II

By displacing the Bible's Genesis and its driving out of paradise, with the Big Bang evolutionary nonsense, Bm-organized sciences are onto fulfilling what they are rejecting! For you that means rejecting what is beyond X#>Rm#, e.g. 14 our of your 16 essential modes (12.75%) of being! The other 14 are subsumed ignorantly under "feelings". And even along that Bm-worldly Option I way, 78% do it the wrong way round. In short in a Bm-mass, only 2.75% of all human essential modes of being are activated. That explains why the crowd could be made to cry, "crucify him!", go to wars, deliver it and worse with enthusiasm. In fact the signs of respective history are on almost all walls. This site was in fact written on April 17,2010 when a cloud of detrimental ashes from a Icelandic volcano was blocking almost all air traffic in Europe, and the French Railways on strike. Similarly the Bm-cloud of Bm-limited and limiting knowledge work inhibits 03-under-standing! And that is how science#3 models this:

 T-trap  p-pre g-against  t-trans
 Bm-Cult  Crime Chaos  03-Conscience
 ;  11-Technology"  30-Design !23-Betray     "  31-Reframing Option I>II
 l" 22-Politics      "  21-Rule !10-Trend         "  12-Serve under Option II
 9  00-Arts          "  02-Infotain !01-Convince "  20-Transparency beyond Bm

The basics for the above was known to the author since the year 2000; it took till 2010 to get the full impact of what this entails in real life and for the future of humanity! Insisting on a common culture, rather than inhabiting the "many flats God offers all his Creatures, not just species and races, e.g. also for each human being to fulfill the essence by which he or she was created, people fall into the Bm-traps of collectives! Why? Because among all the 16 dimensions of live only Bm excludes science#3! So if you want to set up a trap with knowledge work, go there; just follow wordy philosophy and its brute, ideologies. On the other hand, since in the Bm-cult, there is no [X#, Bm#3] (x being one of 1,2,0,3), the [0, 3]connection via knowledge work stands out as the only proper t-science which connects real people's 0-states of being exclusively with some of the other than Bm, 15 dimensions of life. And this is what proper communication is about; the sender offers the receiver a form#0 of communication for his or her personal understanding#3! So according to Shannon, only if we face the surprise any proper information entails with understanding, do we get more than an acknowledgement of prejudice or a cause for a social Darwinian, or philosophical argument. Without a non Bm-mode of being essentially switched on beyond Bm, we get involved and become entangled in some Bm-cult to make mistakes that eventually waste lives in the known meaningless ways. By the way that is the basis of the traditional Swiss neutrality dating back to 1515, while the rest of the world still fights wars in the Bm-trap.

So the essential choice is Bm, or [0, 3]; mass-attractive cults in a chaotic man-made world, or understanding the presents of God, according to the corresponding basic principles of life, that is the real question! However, understanding does not happen like Bm, in a scientific body or any other Bm-collective! It happens only via a respective mode of a real human being. When introducing Option II, that is how we have defined what "understanding" is supposed to really mean! In short, there are NO learning organizations without understanding people giving the [0, 3] interaction a chance! For Pope Benedict XVI on the other hand, the T-Church cannot sin, only p-, g-, t-people, but the Church is said to be humble enough to accept the sins of its members. So everything is in an evolutionary transition, but one fact must remain, masters stay master, servants, servant, and thus genuine communication remains Bm-blocked, ending in pre-trans-traps in the world under Option I...

So the above perfectly explains how in real life people drop Option II>I, to find themselves out of "paradise"; it is not bad luck or destiny, nor caused by a god, or a devil! It is the result of YOUR false choice between Option I and Option II! But circumstances and other entities have appearances#0 on you, which need to be properly understood#3, or else punishment applies! That is what children have to lean when crossing roads! Why should it be otherwise in communication?

X#: Bm# 1 (55%) 2 (33%) 0 (11%) 3 (0%)
1 (26%) Tlogic thelp gembellish p

[m1,m2] interactions in the adjacent left row reach all dimensions of social inter-actions except Bm through adequate modes m1, m2

2 (28%) psubdue Treason treveal g
0 (23%) gdemean pcompromise Tseduction t
3 (23%) treframing gbetray pmask T

The Option I X>Bm-interactions(#) are just covering 12 out of 16 possibilities of the T-, p-,g-, t-interactions [m1,m2], possible between essential two modes of being based on the corresponding Bm-limited and limiting hidden agendas. The trap door to Option II has to be a t-interaction leading beyond Bm, and the theory reveals it to be solely [0, 3], e.g. proper communication! In fact the knowledge work under Option II works in four steps [0, 3] - [3, 1] - [1, 2] - [2, 0] - ...; with the appropriate onset. So a G [0, 1]-demeaning Option I approach can be reframed under Option II with [0, 3]-understanding - [3, 1]-reframing.

And what do intellectuals, politicians, and managers do? They systemically avoid [0, 3] and thus their [m1,m2] modes! Instead of using them to put themselves in people's shoes, they make them march into their wars. And they themselves retreat to the less challenging [X#, Bm#] cults to become their masters! In terms of children having to cross the road the right way, Option I minds check out the wrong, man-made Bm-side of life to have a pretext to argue. That provokes collisions up to wars. In the ultimate vanity, after having wasted hundreds of millions of lives, in the end, they hope to find the "God particle" to recreate the universe such as at CERN, in Geneva around 2010, in the biggest machine. And that in the middle of the economic crisis and the upcoming environmental catastrophe which produces unmanageable depts. And the are utterly disgusted about this site's content and whoever just lets a shimmer of Option II through, or simply asks for understanding.

And you please try to get to grips with that against all the intellectual odds for your personal benefit - I know in your Option II potential you can master that if you want. Why? Because in Option I even t-minds can only use 2/16=12.5% of their resources, and the mass, only the 22% t-minds alienated by the other 78% of it, at best 2.75%! So one Option II mind, in this crude consideration, can outsmart 36 average Option I minds knowing the concepts#3 revealed here to the point of being able to use them.

YOU making sense#3 of appearances#0 in terms of the entities to which you are exposed; that is what science#3 is all about! With it, today is yours, the past becomes anyway part of the world, and God has the last word about the future.

So how do you get back from Bm-based Option I to Option II with allowing all 16 dimensions of lifefulfillment; through the eye of the needle of [0, 3], understanding? And this is how all the Flat Earth Societies have been overcome, and that is what Jesus Christ proposed with "Love your Enemy!". Of course the latter only makes sense on the basis of understanding each other beyond the Bm-obsession in order to revive the sleeping potential to reconnect to the whole person! That kind of healing interaction is what love is all about! Everything else leads to rape. But what is the reality in the Bm-world? People like each others money, beggar the rest. And so the big investors only invest into companies where the key people are replaceable, or can be outsourced to more cost effective countries. Where is an investor ready to invest into the "business" of reframing Option I with Option II? You have so far invested your time for it, a few Dollars and may be a few suggestions. What is your return on investment, what is your fulfillment about this?

There is a perfect analogy to Option I>II realignment to that of the spine when people come with back problems. The three discs C5, T4, L3 in terms of the backs static, are connected; the displacement of one makes the others realign to keep the balance. Research#3 has revealed that these disc relate to H3, G2, ?0 in the mental spine. In practice, if your relationship to reality (H3) changes, say by bumping your head against a brick wall, your previous illusion (?0) about that reality is challenged to break through (G2) to what is, as painful as overcoming prejudice may be. This is called "learning it the hard way". Here the Option II t-science provides a more life-smart alternative to Option I imposing intellectual fantasies on top of physical reality (H3), and the substance of entities (H4) such as the laws of nature and individual life. Who indulges in the latter ends up distorting reality in his mind to wake up at least at at the twilight of the gods, having his or her head bumped against a brick wall...

On order to achieve your transition, you are given 13 personally relevant advices to cope in the fearful society; that is where your task come in! To fulfill them, you are also given the further 3-6 advices to overcome your frustration about the fear-ridden society and its failure with what is in you not fear ridden. These instructions are based on the fact that 10 out of 16 dimensions of social interactions, and F3,6,8 out of the 9 basic functions of human systems, F1-9, e.g. 75% of all application of the 144 possible human essential resources are fear-ridden in an Bm-society - as is obvious from history! And in addition, this sad fact frustrates people in the non-fear-ridden modes. Those two curses on humanity need to be overcome! By whom, if not also by YOU, from NOW on?