Congratulation you have looked into the mirror, and are now ready for YOUR Option II

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Step 2: Face YOUR Option II GLADLY!


YOU have confronted Option I,
so to embrace YOUR Option II should be Easy

Option II: Opens YOUR Minds for Life Fulfillment

1) Getting the Knowledge Work right, with Ethics

Please remember, the focus here is your minimal Option II identity so you can outgrow Option I for good and fulfill your basic life-function. In the Email that brought you here, you are directed to your individually relevant answers and the general basis outlined here. At this stage your remaining Option I mind might pretend to have to know the whole theory to understand anything - and yet people drive cars without understanding the whole of its physics. In fact such claims are excuses! But for those who mean it seriously, links are provided, and they can and will ask appropriate questions to be able to move on. The fact is you can be yourself without understanding it all; you have no one else to be! In short, never get lost in the glass half empty; proceed on your way with what you have understood and apply it before you argue yourself out of it again back to the Bm-trap of Option I, other-determined on its idolatry...

Imagine the scenario of a company in which the CEO amplifies Bm with his h=living space, his Marketing Manager with his c=profiling, his HR Manager with his F=feeling, his Administrator with his I=concepts, and his R&D Head with coping with the y=minimal necessity. Then at first the HR Managers leaves for health reason (threatening burnout). Then the R&D Head quits because he could not get a critical project through unless he compromised on his integrity. In fact before the HR Manager left, he spread the rumor that the R&D Head could not be understood and that acknowledged and mobilized almost everybody's, specifically 78% in their T-, p-, G-Option I mind against the t-suggestion introduced by the R&D Head as necessary to not get pre-trans-trapped. Based on the laws of human systems that means that the social dimensions of Cw=working out communication for allowing to Pp=preparing processes that reframe the company before the point of NO return to collapse are jeopardized. This is just to indicate the power of science#3, the basis for knowledge work in an Option II world; compare that with all the time consuming and expensive management hypes which have ruined so many companies and people's lives! OK? Rerun the basis of Option I if still in doubt...

Otherwise you are ready to be given the social dimension which allows you to keep on top of your Option I mindset, rather being wasted as Bm-fuel and in yiur frustration shove others into the flames of bullying within the Bm-Moloch of fragmenting humans to burnable resources. So you should now be ready to grasp the answer in terms of properly lifefulfilling #0>3>1>2>0... knowledge work for YOU to make personal use of it yourself irrespective of Bm-confining opinions. If 60 million people hailed Hitler for putting Jews into concentration camps, would you have done it too, would you have gone along with the "Evil Empire" of the Soviet Union to end up in a "socialist" gulag, or would you have overcome its border? With an Option I mindset, your honest answer would be "YES, I would have, and you would have indeed, too weak to overcome that Bm-spirit of the time if properly exposed to it!" As you know, some did it even in concentrations camps and gulags! You are certainly in a better position to opt for Option II! Here are the fair questions my wife Diane always raises when in doubt about the outcome of our work, the answer for which have hold our marriage together! Genuinely contributing with them can move you to Option II also:

  • But how can a world work where everybody fulfills itself in the corresponding one out of 16 dimensions of social interaction demeaning what has so far seemingly hold the world together, the Bm-cult?

  • And what will make people fulfill tasks other than the social Darwinian competition to be successful within the Bm-spirit of the time in order to get money, power, and fame?

Love based on understanding, the greatest of believe, hope, and love! Understanding what? The relevant principles of lifefulfillment of your self and that of others for everything else is being instrumentalized by the Bm-Moloch against you fulfilling your life and surely that is not what you were created for! This would make God a sado-masochist, worse, a blind chance driving social Darwinism in a could universe and you an errand in its mad and bloody history of which the above company is just a common scene. But the nothingness of Option I does not prevail, so why invest your live in it rather than standing up in the social dimension of your lifefulfillment?

2) Dimensions of Social Interactions

So the key to Option II is of course what is literally flattened in Option I; understanding! Yes, there is nothing to be understood in the Option I world, because there is no valid reason for its Bm-idolatry! So understanding reveals an insight into the meaning of the 16 dimensions beyond Bm. So in the above example, understanding what the CEO really wants to fulfill with his t-Bm-profile, is his X=being in Ca, and indeed, he had his partners work on the communication to give everybody a fair chance beyond cemented Bm-companies for which his worked. The fact is, where he did not walk his talk, his Bm-profile faded away, and his love became rape. In that state, managers rape people and the planet, as if there would be another one after Earth is wasted. In terms of your minimal Option II identity, we do not have to go in all the theoretical details of science#3; it is enough if you are revealed the social dimension, the stage for your lifefulfillment. Obviously that of an eagle is the air, that of a fish, the water not vice versa just to fragment them so that they can be ruled. having understood the red thread pointing to your prime dimension allows you the channel your understanding towards fulfilling it with your being. That hold you together, resilient to outsource your Bm-mode for Bm-idolatry instead. Only what holds people together can hold society together to function rather than just do jobs for money to keep Bm-mammon together! 

3) Nine Functions; one to be fulfilled

So instead of working for a Bm-jobs, it is a matter of fulfilling the one out of nine basic functions of every human system in the social dimension the respective modes of being are. Thus the eagle uses its wings to fly, the penguin, to swim. And an eagle can do that when encouraged on top of a mountain to be free to be his true self, even if it was raised among hens in a fence with a conditioned hen mind! So at this stage please revise the flow of content, the practical part of which we are on about now. 


4) The Option II Format Transcends the Option I one-track mind


OI is denoted as (X# [T,p,G,t] Bm#):M-E, your Option I one-track-mind in which your X#-conscience collapses into your Bm-mode (M) and you sacrificing it by selling yourself short, after having "sold your soul", its associate ethics (E) to the Bm-cult. This is done for one's hidden agenda to become part of and belong to "them". For that reason Jesus' favorite disciple denied him after he Jesus was crucified; being in the hateful crowd, Peter afraid for his life, when the cock cried three times. To belong to the Mafia that literally requires to perform a murder. To make career, that often means going over dead bodies...


Option II Conscious Mind: [OI]>Xsd>XF>Xe tames the OI-crude, in itself, à la the "King Lear" tragedy, destructive human energy, by cultivating it in the social dimension (sd) associated with one's being (X) towards fulfilling the basic function (F) that corresponds to one's being. It is achieved with your Bm-public ethics (E) in the service of your inner ethics (Xe). And it requires a t-type knowledge work in terms of #3>1>2>0>3>1. In that sequence the #0>#3 is understanding which give insight beyond Bm, in some of all the other dimension of social interaction. In fact, no knowledge work leads to Bm; that is why only the science#1,2,0 are publically organized while all the other 15 dimensions contain also science#3. This is probably the greatest discovery of this century! Why, because without it and its acknowledgement and timely implementation, humanity has no chance to avoid its self-destruction short of divine intervention! So far divine intervention has mostly come through the heads of men and women via their conscience. So do not take this hint lightly with a Bm-Option I mind where it will be distorted to leave you a "boiling frog". Remember, Bm is too big to fail, but also too big to understand that; if you do not reduce it to the dimensions where you can learn NOW, who can and when? You are given more opportunities to get that clear in order to become part of the solution, but there is a point of NO return! It is like with health; it is not everything, but without it, everything, including the whole Bm-world, becomes nothing to you.


Of course all the mentioned parameters stem from X, your being, through the relevant laws of lifefulfillment. Unlike what the non-understanding, Bm-obliged organized science claims that you are an evolutionary products of particular and messy stems, YOU are an open-ended generative principle, which can be understood by people of good will for Option II sufficiently to encourage, promote, and challenge you for fulfil YOUR life. Imagine what people do within an Option I culture denying this to their children, managers to their subordinates and all of them to the environment, to each other and other Creature! Consume the media and you know, consult your own experience in this world and you might get a glimpse that it is time to understand! With the above hints you have got the privilege to have your Option I and II outlined to you, but therefore you will not get away as innocent anymore!

Please refer now to the specific descriptions of your respective OI-, and OII-mindsets, the link to which was given to you in the Email that brought you here. If necessary print the relevant three sites and study them thoroughly within the principle of postponed OI-prejudices, until the penny drops, e.g. your Option I mind (OI) into the more encompassing Option II (OII) mindset. That requires an inner move from the Bm-hierarchically mass-attractive cult to a Life-Fulfilling Platform by following the light of inner understanding which is triggered by YOUR experience with the above hints.